

It's just some guy I work with.只是我工作上認識的一個人
You're the one out with the guy.
Does he have a hump and a hairpiece?他有駝背還是假髮嗎?
Everybody, relax.各位,冷靜
It's not even a date.這連約會都算不上
It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.只是兩個人一起出去吃飯,不上床
back in high school在高中時候
reached down my throat and pulled my intestine out of my mouth and tied it around my neck
be murky
to hell with her
Why does everyone keep fixating on that?
Did I say that out loud?我剛才說很大聲嗎?
They seem to take that pretty well.他們看起來承受得住啊
strip joints
have some hormones
limoges gravy boat
I started wondering "Why am I doing this?" and "Who am I doing this for?"
You and I kind of drifted apart.你和我有點疏遠了
I was kind of hoping that wouldn't be an issue.我本來還希望你不要提起這件事的
the pipe organ管風琴
I'll have whatever she's having.她吃甚麼我就吃甚麼
It matters to me.對我很重要
push her down the stairs把她推下樓
I'm all better now.我現在好多了
He's away a lot.他常不在家
Stop hitting on her.不要把她
What? Like there's a rule or something?幹嘛?有人規定不行嗎?
buzz him in
It's a "dear diary" moment.
Here's a little tip.給你個小建議
What are you up to tonight?你今天晚上要做甚麼?
They are headed for Chezk on their honeymoon.他們要去捷克度蜜月
I wish I could, but I don't want to.我也想,但我不要
I cannot feel my legs.我腳麻了
Which goes where?
All finished.做完了
You're gonna start with that, we're out of here.你如果開始這樣,我們就走
Please don't spoil all this fun.不要破壞這一切樂趣
He's such a mess
how did you get through it?
The worst thing I ever did was 
steer clear of you
The machine cut me off again.答錄機又把我切掉了
Not that I have any idea who "me" is right now, 
Between us, we haven't had a relationship this last longer than a Mento
that's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream
welcome back to the world
Ever since he walked out on me
it's more about a fifth date kind of revelation
in the bonds of holy matrimony
Even if I could get it together enough 
it doesn't make much of a difference
I will not take this abuse
I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here.
I take credit for her.
It was a line.
why would anybody do something like that?
I assume we wnat an answer more sophisticated than: "to get you into bed"
you're surprisingly upbeat.
how well you know me.
you can't live off your parents your whole life.
give her a break
it's hard being on your own for the first time
I remember when I first came to this city, I was 14.
albino guy
I know exactly how you feel
how can I be ready
kind of symbolic gesture
crash on the couch
you just put it back where you found it.
split it
do you think it would be okay if I asked you out sometime
he has a nice butt.

