I was thinking we could grab a bite.我在想我們可以吃個東西
usual place老地方
Hold it.等等
step out劈腿,偷吃(to cheat on one's boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other, husband or wife)
If you're gonna step out on your wife, you need to think it through.
think through徹底地想清楚
contractor n.承包商
I'm more like an independent contractor.我比較像是獨立承包商
dismantle v.拆開,解散
surveillance n.看守,監視
dismantle your surveillance cameras拆掉你的監控攝影機
Make it look like a robbery gone wrong.弄得像是搶劫造成的
high priority非常重要
triple your usual fee比你平常的費用高三倍
hit man殺手
This one is somewhat unusual.這個有點不一樣
ongoing adj.進行中的,前進的
intervene v.插手,干涉
inconclusive adj.非決定性的,不確定的
disciplinary adj.紀律的,訓練的
spit out
I come bearing gifts.我有帶禮物來
schmooze去討好,拍馬屁(to get to know or suck up to someone for self benefit)
schmooze the board討好董事會
Orwellian adj.
"Orwellian" is an adjective describing the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It connotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson" – a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practised by modern repressive governments. Often, this includes the circumstances depicted in his novels, particularly Nineteen Eighty-Four.
George Orwell喬治歐威爾,英國諷刺小說家及散文家,以其著作「動物農莊」及「一九八四」而享譽全球。而Orwellian則是形容詞「歐威爾風格的」,因喬治歐威爾是個以文筆銳利、深刻洞察與驚人想像力對獨裁政治、恐怖極權主義及人類未來前途展現淋漓盡致的剖析而著名的作家。因此這個字通常用在形容政治獨裁者和恐怖及戰爭等政客或是社會亂像上。
Orwellian nightmare
cell phone location data手機定位資料
facial recognition臉部辨識
You have to sift through the emails.
wire-tapped phones受監聽的電話
bank transactions銀行交易
He's living double lives.他過著雙重生活
He takes the family for a weekend sail.他帶著家人周末出航
upsidedown負債累累(to owe more than you have)
He was upsidedown on 14 properties.他14處地產都賠錢
I'm upside down on my car loan.
I know I owe you money but I'm kinda upside down right now.
recover v.重新找到
Her body was never recovered.她的屍體一直沒被找到
presumed dead推定死亡
I need you to pull a file for me.
degenerate n. 墮落者,變態性慾者
upstate adv. 在州內遠離大城市地區,在州的北部
one step from fighting off a whole cellblock of degenerates that I sent upstate.
predicament n.尷尬的處境,困境
Your predicament is not my concern.我又不關心你的處境
They're having financial issues.他們有財務困難
I wish that he could have reached out.我希望他當時能向外界求援
It's a professional hit.這是專業謀殺
muzzle n.槍口,砲口
The muzzle impressions were made after the fact.
point-blank 近距離平射的,直射的
Make it look point-blank.弄成像是近距離槍殺
Because that's how I would have done it.因為如果是我,我就會這樣做
lead n.線索
I got a lead on another kid.我有另一個小孩的線索
whereabouts n.下落
You might know her whereabouts.你也許會知道她的下落
sealed juvie record on her她被封起來的少年犯罪紀錄
vandalism n.故意破壞公物(或文化、藝術)的行為
shoplifting n.商店行竊
a concealed weapon隱藏式武器
prolonged adj.延長的,拖延的
the prolonged legal investigation冗長的法律調查
It can take some time to settle out.要等好久才會有定案
drudge v.做苦工
This is drudging up some really difficult memories.這引起很不愉快的回憶
funk n.驚恐,畏懼
He never came out of the funk.
smart as a whip非常聰明,反應快(meaning unusually intelligent or quick witted)
redact v.編寫,擬定
The files have been redacted.
hobo n.流動勞工
a hobo is an itinerant worker, a career which sprang up during the depression. A hobo, unlike a bum or a tramp, is more than willing to work, but mostly for a short duration, as their main impetus is travel, the love of the journey above the actual destination.
A bum is stationary, feeding off of those unfortunate enough to cross his path; a hobo merely travels from town to town, finding work when he can, but only for the sake of financing his next adventure.
They're above your pay grade.你動不了他們的
M.I.A.失蹤Missing In Action
forwarding address轉寄地址
skate rat玩滑板的人
A skater that has nothing better to do then skateboard, so he/she skateboards every day of the week, no matter the weather or condition, out of sheer boredom or desire to go pro or get sponsored.
a skate-rat park玩滑板的人聚集的公園
to the highest degree
news flash新聞頭條
went postal
"86","86ed", "86'd", or eighty-sixed when used as a verb in American English, is a slang term for getting rid of something, ejecting someone, or refusing service.
overhaul v.全面檢查,大翻修
The entire department could be overhauled.整個部門都會大變動
skimmer n.盜卡器
It captures account numbers and pins.它可以盜取帳號和密碼
creditor n.債權人,債主
This was a hit for hire.這是雇人兇殺案
shooter n.殺手
joint n.下流娛樂場所,小酒館,賭窟
Confidential Informant; Any individual under the direction of a police officer who furnishes information about criminal activity with or without compensation; works under direction of the department; different from other concerned citizens or complainants not working under department direction and not party to the investigation itself.
contract killer接案的殺手
I wouldn't do that. Not even if they paid me my quote.我不會這麼做,就算他們付我開的價碼也沒辦法
punk n.小屁孩
parcel n.(土地的)一塊,一片
Why would he turn up here?他為什麼出現在這?
rematch n.複賽
I'm not looking for a rematch.我不是來這再找你比劃
laundry mat洗衣店
take the liberty of doing sth自作主張做了...決定(to do something that will have an effect on someone else, without asking their permission)
I took the liberty of booking theatre seats for us.我直接訂了我們的戲票
They hack your cell phone account.他們駭進你的手機帳戶
The GPS signal is active.還有GPS的訊號
dawdle v.閒混,偷懶,遊蕩
Don't dawdle.別偷懶
probate n.經認證的遺囑,【美】遺囑認證法院管轄範圍內的一切事項
chum n.【美】魚餌,誘餌
They dump his body in the water like chum.把他的屍體像魚餌般丟到水裡
oil spill原油外漏
cut a deal達成協議
The house goes into probate.那棟房子變成遺產
I've never meant for anyone to get hurt.我沒有想過要傷害任何人
legit adj.【口】合法的,正當的,正統的
It all looked legit.看起來都很合法
It was a front for dirty money.這只是用來洗黑錢的幌子
a ten-bagger n.會賺上十倍的投資(In investment jargon a stock that goes up in price ten-fold. Thus, a stock purchased for one dollar will be a ten bagger for that investor when it reaches ten dollars. There is also such thing as a two bagger, three bagger, and so on.)
bagger n.裝袋工
My shares in that company became a ten bagger in less than two years after I bought them.我在那公司買下的股份兩年內就漲十倍
administrator n.【律】遺產管理人
kicker令人意想不到的事(通常不是好事)(The detail (usually unpleasant) that changes everything.)
The kicker is that they are right. Now it's worth 40, 50 times what they put into it.令人驚訝的是,他們是對的,現在的價值比當初翻了四,五十倍
property n.財產,資產,所有物
heir n.繼承人
She is the legal heir to that property.她是那份財產的法定繼承人
I know what it's like to be cheated.我知道被欺騙的感覺是甚麼
plotter n.陰謀者,策劃者
schemer n.計畫者,謀士
malicious adj.惡意的
intent n.意圖
malicious intent惡意蓄謀
outcry n.強烈的抗議(或反對)
There'd be such an outcry.那會引起強烈的反彈
foil v.阻止,阻擾,使受挫敗,擊退
They have foiled a half dozen terrorist plots.他們已經阻撓了許多恐怖份子陰謀
pan out投資結果成功
(to have any venture or attempt at something result in success)
The land we bought panned out fifty fold.我們買的那塊土地翻了五十倍
I'm better off alone.我自己一個人更好
You vastly overestimated your value in this process.你高估了自己在這件事的價值
Can't tell you how much we appreciate your patience and support on this.無法表達我們有多感謝您的耐心與支持
councilman n.議員
rezone 再分區
The land will be rezoned for residential.那塊地將會重劃成住宅區
break ground破土動工
You can break ground as early as next month.你下個月就可以破土動工了
game changer轉折點(a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way)
This is a real game-changer.這真是個轉折點
dispute n.爭論,爭執,爭端
They heard a dispute.他們聽到有人吵架
vigilant adj.警戒的,警惕的
Thank goodness for vigilant neighbors.幸好鄰居有警覺性
How can I assist you?請問有甚麼事?
He's coming down the hall.他沿著走廊走過來了
fuse box保險絲箱
He's going for the fuse box.他要過去保險絲箱了
It's nothing on the surveillance cameras.監視器上甚麼都沒拍到
traumatic adj.創傷(性)的
It was a pretty traumatic experience.這實在是太可怕的經歷了
Is he taking another personal day?他又請個人事假了嗎?
He's been transferred.他被調職了
He was laid off.他被裁員了
You need to trust someone at some point.你總有要信任別人的時候