I'm a firm believer in karma.我相信因果
You were all over that old man.你整個往那老男人身上貼
They do the morning prayer.他們做晨禱
My chief aim in life is to continually strive to be the best person that I can be for the greater good of the planet and everyone who walks on it.
Take a seat.找位子坐吧
I did home school.我在家自學
bummer n.【口】令人不愉快,不滿意的事物,倒霉
What a bummer.真慘
dropout school輟學生上的學校
Fashion Institute of Design
have my own line有自己的品牌
host my own show有自己的秀
exemplary student模範生
He has self-loathing and anxiety issues.他有自我厭惡和焦慮的問題
an A-list-looking guy頂級帥哥
I'm only attracted to A-list looking guys.我向來只喜歡頂級帥哥
I was always self-conscious that ....我自己心裡一直都知道...
Thought you might want one.我想你可能也想要(這個)
That's what made this situation so hard.那就是讓情況難搞的原因
the law of attraction吸引力法則
make vision boards畫願景圖
What qualities do you admire about her?你喜歡她哪些特質?
a DUI酒駕(Driving under the influence)
Don't trip out.別急著溜
couture 女裝設計
Hervé Léger
party foul醜一
Her level was off the charts.她的酒測值破表
ghetto university貧民窟大學
thug life
What are your favorite hot spots in Taiwan?你在台灣最喜歡的點是哪?
Les Deux
Have you toned down the partying now that you have a relationship?現在有男友了,會比較少去party嗎?
I'm gonna stay on lookout.我在外面把風
alprazolam /ælˈpræzəlæm/ n. Xanax抗憂鬱藥
I want to be hot but not desperate.我想看起來辣,但不能是飢渴
Now fix your hair.現在整理一下頭髮
You look like an off-duty supermodel.你看起來像下班後的名模
security footage監視影片
It gave me the self-boost that ....這讓我有很大的自信認為...
ultimate fashion icon終極時尚偶像
Her attorney addressed the matter for the first time.她的律師第一次對這件事發言
Her house was burglarized.她家被搶了
You have the right to remain silent. and anything you said can and will be used against you in a court of law. You can ask an attorney present during questioning. If you can't afford a lawyer, one will be provided to you.
The police is conducting an investigation.警方正在調查
Zip it.閉嘴
We have a warrant to search the premises.我們有搜索令搜查這間房子
The police had done a search warrant on his home.警方拿搜索令到他家
person of interest嫌疑犯
She's a person of interest in these burglaries.她是這些竊盜案的嫌疑犯
We also came up with these.我們還找到了這些
We found a jacket that matches a description by her.我們找到一件符合她描述的外套
Hypothetically, I can help you locate this property.假設,我能幫你們找到東西
She awaits her hearing.她在等她的聽證會
I was friends with her sister.我和她姊是朋友
She homeschools all of us.她在家教我們自學
He's a recovering alcoholic.他正在戒酒
He's a practicing drug addict and alcoholic.他正在嗑藥和酗酒
She went off the deep end.她越陷越深,走火入魔
agape church
She's on a trip with them building homes. They do a yearly trip to other countries, where they build wells and schools for kids.
They do bake sales and feeding the homeless that kind of stuff.他們做些烘培特賣,發放食物給無家可歸的人
There's little bit of a disconnect between your positive pursuits and what's happening now.你的抱負和現在的情況有一點脫節
You could speak generally.你可以大略說一下
She's an extremely focused and honest woman, who has a lot to offer the community.她很投入很誠實,也有很多東西要貢獻給社會
tumultuous adj.騷亂的,混亂的
tumultuous experiences
What's your goal, or life plan if you have one?如果你有目標的話,會是甚麼?
It's my journey to push for peace and the health of the planet
take a stand for people為民發聲
the sick fascination with a Bonnie and Clyde kind of thing
Bonnie and Clyde達拉斯有名的鴛鴦大盜
kitten heels中跟女鞋
This has been a very difficult time for myself and my family.這件事近來讓我和家人都不好過
You're found guilty on four counts of first-degree residential burglary.
You're sentenced to four years in state prison and 800,000 in restitution.你被判入州監獄服監四年並要歸還80萬的賠償金
She's sentenced to four years in county jail.
The terms "prison" and "jail" are often used interchangeably-but there are key distinctions.
"Prisons are State or Federal facilities that house people who have been convicted of a criminal or civil offense and sentenced to 1 year or more."被定罪為犯人並且刑期一年以上者進的是prison
"Jails, however, are locally operated facilities whose inmates are typically sentenced for 1 year or less or are awaiting trial or sentencing following trial. The average jail stay is 10 to 20 days, according to the United States Department of Justice."刑期一年以下的囚犯進的是地方監獄(jail),通常待10到20天
"And although jails have average daily populations that are half that of prisons, their populations experience greater turnover. The ratio of jail admissions to prison admissions is more than 16 to 1, and approximately 50 percent of people admitted to jails leave within 48 hours."雖然進jail的人只有進prison的一半,但他們的翻監率很高,進jail的人次和進prison的人次比是16比1,而且jail的犯人有一半以上48小時內就可出獄
They're sentenced for their role in a rash of break-ins that netted more than three million in high-end goods.
She shared a cellblock with someone.她和某人在同一區監獄
keep to oneself不和他人來往,不和別人交際
I just really kept to myself.
show the surveillance video播放監視畫面
You get to tell your side of the story.你可以講你自己的版本
nerve-racking adj.使人不安的,傷腦筋的
That's nerve-racking.