
[英文] 朗讀文章精選(3)

The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids 

Once upon a time there was a mother goat who had seven little kids. One day the mother goat had to go into the forest to find some food, but before she went, she spoke seriously to her seven children. "My dears," she said. "While I am gone you must not open the door to anyone, especially Mr. Wolf. You can always tell when he comes calling, because he has a gruff voice and rough, hairy paws." 

The little kids promised that they would be careful, and their mother set off for the forest. Before long there came a knock at the door. 

"My dears," said a gruff voice, "It's your mother. Let me in!" 

"You are not our mother," said the kids. They could see the wolf's paws on the window sill. "She doesn't have a gruff voice like you. Or rough, hairy paws! Go away!" 

At this Mr. Wolf was very angry. He hurried home and drank a honey drink to make his voice soft. Then he dipped his paws in white dough and ran back to the cottage. 

The little kids heard his soft voice and saw his smooth white feet. "It is mother!" they cried and opened the door. In a flash, the wolf gobbled them all — except one. 

When the mother goat came back, the little kid who had hidden told her everything. "Right!" she said, "l saw that old wolf asleep outside. Hurry!" 

She crept up to the sleeping wolf and made a tiny hole in his fat tummy. Out jumped the six little kids! Then their mother filled the whole with stones and sewed it up. 

When the wolf woke up, he staggered to the well for a drink, but his tummy was so full that he fell in and was never seen again. 

