
實習大叔The Internship

對Pappy Van Winkle的介紹

stat sheet
pommel horse鞍馬

How old does that make all of us?這樣把我們變多老了?

double digits
If it's not too much trouble.如果不會太麻煩的話

sprout v.很快地成長

Your business has been folded.你們的公司收了。

Who hasn't felt the pinch?誰沒不好過?

Let's slice the pie three ways.我們分成三份吧

Let's just split it.我們分開算吧

Nobody wears a watch anymore; they check their phones.

Cite your source.誰告訴你的?

obsolete adj.過時的

I saw this coming, cashed out, bought a condo n Miami.

tuck away【口】將某物存起來或藏起來; 躲藏

We will be tucked away nice.

strap it in

It's always darkest before the dawn.


a foreclosure sign法院收回抵押權通知

slag off辱罵;詆毀

curb n. 路邊,(人行道旁的)鑲邊石,邊欄

alabaster adj.光潔雪白的
alabaster skin光潔雪白的皮膚

jeggings n.牛仔打底褲;牛仔內搭褲(結合了牛仔褲的有型,又有打底褲的舒適感,是歐美明星出街的流行單品,由jean和legging拼綴而成)

memory foam記憶床墊

lumbar support

Let's work our way through this.


pod n.容器;箱;(飛機的)吊艙;(太空船的)分離艙

nap pods午睡艙

massage room按摩房

volleyball court排球場

It's ranked as the greatest place to work at in America.
a field we know jack squat about.

That has a better-than-not chance of materializing into a job.至少有機會變成工

Let's roll over onto the stomach.轉身腹部朝下

dispersion n.分散;傳播;散布

peddle v.叫賣,挨戶兜售

You're peddling him a bunch of crap.你在用廢話拉攏他。

Marfan Syndrome

We're the same height.我們一樣高。

Sanskrit n.梵文,梵語

pelvic adj.骨盆的
pelvic ventilation骨盆通風

defer v.推遲,使展期

I enrolled us at the University of Phoenix.註冊

You put my major down as physics.

hide in plain sight低調一點


There's a 15 min limit.有十五分鐘限制

We can make this a win-win for you.


Don't crowd me.不要擠我。





an MRI核磁共振
= Magnetic Resonance Imaging 【醫】磁共振造影

Even the best model only runs non-stop for 10 hours.
I want to big-picture this for a second.
cutting edge最前線;尖端
That's cutting edge.
I think we've gotten a little far afield.
a little off-topic離題

expound v.解釋;詳細述說
expound on this

bend one's ear跟誰說話

layover n.臨時滯留

Not to mention our final judgment is based on the layover test.

Who would you rather be stuck next to?


the ten millionth kid

ratio n.比率

shrink your strength-to-weight ratio縮小強度重量比
the out-of-the-box thinkers

a million times better

complimentary adj.【美】贈送的[Z]
a to-go cup外帶杯

guzzler n.暴飲暴食者


same-sex partners

little pick-me-up

odometer n.里程計

But to excel at this internship, you're going to need far more than brain power. What you're going to need is Googliness.
The intangible stuff that made a search engine into an engine for change. Now, you'll be divided into teams. And, by the end of the summer only one team will be guaranteed a full-time position. The other 95% of you will not. You're been split up into several seminars to acquaint you with our campus and culture. Seminar descriptions have been emailed to you. I would wish you luck, but it's not luck that you need. Get to work.

run errands跑腿

nail it

opening statement

it pleases the court

first impression time

game on

Google is not a conventional workplace.
we have rules.
i'm gonna ask you a series of questions.
you're going to raise the green paddle to indicate yes.
and the red paddle to indicate no.
i really don't get that reference.
severity to her look
what's the policy on that?
that's frowned upon also?
just to drill down on this
a perishable
we can coattail this bitch
1. 新任總統挾其聲望可發揮對同黨議員選情所產生的提攜的效果,即所謂的「衣尾效應」(coattail effect)
2. 美國眾院每兩年改選一次,一次與總統同時,這次選舉常會出現燕尾服效應(coattail effect).,也就是眾院議員選舉會受到同黨總統參選人聲勢的拉抬。另一次在總統任期中,這一次通常叫做期中選舉,有一點期中考的味道,通常總統所屬的政黨席次會減少。
3. 當然,國內許多人將加持效應視為在政治力有影響的人物或政治明星替候選人拉抬升價的一種方式。
there's no shame in that
dole out發放(賑濟物)(+out)
doles out high fives during timeouts
we have to be that awkward seven-footer from Lithuania怪巨人球員
hit that light
this place is all about community and collaboration
so you'll be working in teams from now on.
does anyone want to be on a team with me?
en este momento(西班牙文)目前(adv. just now, at this point in time)
Are you going to be referring to yourself in the third person?
a nurturing person
the science isn't definitive on that
he was bottle-fed
teat n.奶頭,乳頭
baba n.蘭姆糕
nutrient n.營養物,滋養物[C]
breast milk has more nutrients
strapping adj.魁梧的;高大健壯的
bikini top
G-string panty
high-heeled leather boots
constricted adj.狹隘的;受限制的
workwise adv.工作上
friction n.磨擦
beta n.佔第二位者
it's in beta
trivia n.瑣事
goner n.要丟的東西
vegemite sandwish
gobble down狼吞虎嚥,大口大口地吃
get back to the grind
drawl n.慢吞吞拉長調子的說話方式[C]
She speaks with a Southern drawl.
wanker n.【英粗】傻瓜;討厭鬼
steaming in
cheerio 加油
sift through 詳查,細究[(+through)]
cinephile n.【英】電影迷;電影愛好者
confederacy n.聯盟;同盟;聯邦[C][G]
outcast n.被拋棄的人,被逐出的人
a confederacy of outcasts
intramural field
bear with 耐心地忍受某人/某事物
you made it by one vote
perimeter n.周圍;邊緣
breach n.(對法律等的)破壞,違反;(對他人權利的)侵害[C][U]
perimeter breach acknowledged
bronco n.【美】野馬(北美西部產)
percolate v.過濾;使滲出;使浸透
bin v.把……放入(或貯藏在)箱(或倉)中
categorize needle-moviers by user品項
momentum n.氣勢,衝力[U]
咒語, 有神秘魔力(如驅邪, 吸引力)的飾品/有符號經文的隨身裝飾品, 或是巫師(例如巫毒教的巫師)戴的護身符/驅邪小包
查了字源字典, 據說是美國南方的克里奧方言 (Creole, 西班牙/法裔與黑人通婚的後裔所說的方言)
所以你要說那是魔物, 魔法, 媚惑力......應該都行, 看場合情況前後文....

Austin Power翻譯為魔酒, 倒是無可厚非, 反正那電影就是parody的調調
不過這是非裔美國人的方言俚語, 字典上說在1920年代左右才開始進入日常用字字彙. 
我想不起來這出現在Austin Power的哪一集哪一段....太搞笑, 都弄不清楚了
instantaneously adv.即刻;突如其來地
It's just the way things are.
marinate v.把……浸泡在滷汁中
cue n.暗示,信號;線索
craigslist n.大體上來說都是情侶汽車和房地產的廣告.私人或是小型企業貼的廣告
craigslist casual encounters
tentacle n.觸鬚,觸手,觸角
ravaged by octopus tentacles
augment v.擴大;增加;加強;提高
syntax highlighting and autocomplete
stumble onto
pull the hackysack out of your ass
you just need to get out of his way
he's always gonna find a way to fail
this is me going
the next challenge is manning the google helpline
this is one of the most difficult jobs we have, combining both customer 

relations and product fluency
you'll be judged on both.
this is a very tight race right now.
I suggest you study up
that's kind of what I call you for.
a blanket statement
shove v.推;撞
give them another hotline
If you refer them to another number
you'll be the number you referred to.
refer v.將……提交,交付[(+to)]
helpline n.【英】諮詢服務電話
can we get the check
now I have the name, how about the number?
hit on 把(妹);忽然想到
hit on the waitress
live up to 實踐遵守堅持無愧于
live up to my promise
you're right on the borderline
borderline n.邊界;界線
have a way with 對...很有一套
You have a way with people.
fact check you
singlehandedly adv.獨立地;單獨地
singlehandedly cut into my ability
cramp v.限制;約束;妨礙
cramping your style
access v.【電腦】取出(資料);使用;接近
access your account
The helpline is open.
gear n.齒輪;傳動裝置;(汽車)排檔[C][U]
the gear icon
analogy n.相似,類似比擬;類推
paramount adj.至高無上的;最重要的
explicit adj.直率的;不含糊的
technicality n.專門性;學術性;技術性
obscure adj.模糊的;含糊不清的
he has a tendency to
cocoon n. 繭;卵袋,卵囊
behemoth n.巨獸(源出《聖經》約伯記,據說所指的是河馬...
Where are you going with this?
lactose n.【化】乳糖
intolerant adj.難耐的,無法忍受的
lactose intolerant 乳糖不耐症
I don't want to get sideways with you.
nutmeg n.【植】肉豆蔻(樹)[C]
divulge v.洩露,暴露
afloat adv.飄浮著的
franchise n.v.【美】(政府給予個人、公司或社團經營某種事業的)特權;(製造廠商授予聯營店者的)經銷權(或公司名稱使用權等)
basil n.【植】羅勒(香料,藥用的高度香味的植物)
oregano n.【植】牛至
part of the fabric
fabric n.構造,結構,組織[U]
artistry n.藝術性,藝術效果
glorified adj.[only before noun 僅用於名詞前] made to seem like something more important 被吹捧的﹐被美化的
collaborative adj.(用作定語)合作的;協作的
off the charts 其中charts有記錄其過程或流行歌曲進入排行榜前幾名內,由此延伸解釋:表現優異,超越其原有表現的意思
blossoming adj.蓬勃發展的

♪ An old man turned 98
♪ He won the lottery ♪
♪ And he died the next day … ♪
What the shit is this?
Why is this on the get-psyched mix?

‘Cause I got to throw you a curveball every now and then or you get bored, and then the mix doesn’t have its intended effect.
No, I want to get revved up, and this song’s not doing it.
Oh, really? I defy you to crush this chorus and not get psyched.
Not going to happen.
What is it?
Help me out!
♪ Mr. Play It Safe.
Classic Alanis.
He was afraid.
Bring it home. Oh, yeah.
Come on, papi. Yes!
We’ve got our jam on now.
Jump to it.
It’s been a dry June, and I know it doesn’t need to be said out loud, but we need this sale.
I am so confident that we’re going to close this thing that I’m going to order
the Pappy Van Winkle.
I know it’s pricey, but I want to spiritually invest in our success.
I’ll tell you what, if you didn’t order the Pappy, I’d send your raggedy ass back out to the car to listen to the get-psyched
mix to get your mind right.
We’re selling Bob Williams.
Been married 16 years.
Wife Karen, one daughter.
You read the first page of the scouting report.
Let me hip you to page two.
Daughter’s name is Skyler, big into gymnastics.
And to hear Bob tell it, the kid is aces on the pommel horse.
He don’t just tell it, old boy. He likes to show it with pictures.
Everyone’s searching for something.
Am I right, Bob?
Love. Success.
But what’s the one thing that no one can get more of?
Mmm. And you can’t fight it.
Well, you don’t have to tell me.
I mean, look at my little girl.
How old is Skyler nowdays, Bob?
Just turned nine in May.
Isn’t that something?
She just turned nine.
Skyler’s nine?
Good Lord. How old does
that make all of us?
Don’t answer that question, Bob.
Let’s move on.
I was about … I was about to answer.
Pretty soon, she’s going to be borrowing Karen’s makeup, and you’re going to have two beauties on your hands.
Lock the door.
It’s coming, Bob.
Double digits.
No way. Is Skyler still giving them hell on that pommel horse?
You want to see that photo?
If it’s not too much trouble.
Yeah, let me show you Sky, yeah.
Let’s get those eyes on Skyler.
Look at her.
Yeah … yeah, she’s really sprouted.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Skyler’s really slimming down.
And I’ll tell you what.
She’s eating really healthy.
Just mostly fruits and nuts.
Her choice.
There is no telling what this little girl on a squirrel diet could end up doing.
Could she win us the gold and make us proud?
You’re damn right she could.
You’re damn right.
I have a feeling she’s already made you proud.
Am I right?
Guilty. Guilty, my friend.
Oh, guys, it … it goes so fast.
Oh, it’s like a freight train going down the track.
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack.
Now she’s got a boyfriend.
Guy you like, hopefully.
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack, she’s married.
Clickety-clack, she’s putting you in a home!
Oh, my God, a home.
She would do it, too.
I believe that, too.
No, no, she would.
Only when you don’t remember who she is.
I’m kidding!
Oh, it feels good to laugh about Alzheimer’s.
You can’t control time.
But … you can manage it.
Bob …
the Chronoshock Aught Thirteen.
Carpe diem.
These babies will fly off your shelf.
Now, I know that you’ve moved up to having six stores, so you’re probably
going to want to have a little larger order than you did last year.
You’re kidding, right?
Your … your business has …been folded.
I’m sorry?
No, no, no, no, Bob, there has been some chatter.
The last few years have been rough.
But come on, who hasn’t felt the pinch?
Yeah. They didn’t tell you, did they?
Look …
I thought you guys just wanted to grab dinner for old times’ sake, but, uh …
Your company is closed.
I hate to be the one telling you that.
Honestly, I know that I can’t buy the watches because your company doesn’t exist anymore, but I wish I could.
I mean, that’s how good you guys are.
One round of Pappy Van Winkle.
Enjoy, gentlemen.
Oh … wow.
That is expensive stuff.
You know, Bob, uh … do you mind, uh … just going Dutch?
You don’t have to say any more.
I got it. I’m doing this.
Let me do this.
I’m saying let’s slice the pie three ways, honestly.
If you don’t mind.
No, that-that-that’s silly.
That’s silly. I’m doing really, really …really well right now, and you guys are not.
But, Bob, I can …
At all.
Let me do this.
But let’s just split it.
Let’s go Dutch.
Okay. Okay.
Let’s be the three Dutchmen.
Okay, but this Dutchman’s going to …going to pay when he can in a couple weeks.
I hope you understand.
What the fuck, Sammy?
What the fuck, me?
What the fuck, you?
Who told you you could barge into my office without an appointment?
You closed the company?
And then you send us out on a sale that we really needed and had Bob Williams
drop that bomb on us?
Bob Williams has got a big fucking mouth.
Yeah, he does.
You weren’t going to get the sale anyway.
Nobody wears a watch anymore.
They just check their goddamn phones.
Disagree. Cite your sources.
The kids, maybe, but there’s … there’s a broader market.
Lorraine, what time is it?
One hip, pioneering secretary does not a cultural trend make.
She’s 75 years old.
Watches are obsolete, and so are the two of you.
Hey. Obsolete?
What does that even mean?
It means everything’s computerized now.
It’s cheaper for a machine to tell these companies what to order than a manufacturer’s rep.
They don’t need us anymore.
No, people have a deep mistrust of machines.
That’s right.
Have you seen Terminator?
Yep. Mm-hmm. All of them.
Or 2 or 3 or 4?
People want to deal with people, not Terminators.
People hate people.
Times have changed.
That’s so negative.
Luckily, I saw this coming, cashed out my retirement, bought a condo in Miami Beach, new tits for the wife.
Silicone. It’s legal again.
Wow. Saline’s out?
Yeah, me and the old lady are going to be tucked away real nice.
Yeah, great for you, huh?
So, uh, that’s it, right?
But what about us, Sammy?
You two were great salesmen-the best-
but at the end of the day, you’re grinders, foot soldiers.
We all know you’ll never be generals.
And I’m going to say something harsh now.
Now you’re going to say something harsh?
Strap it in, boys, ‘cause it ain’t pretty out there.
And you two are dinosaurs.
Face it.
Where you’re going … you’ve already been.
I thank you for your service.
What are we going to do?
I don’t know.
But I got to worry about the now.
I don’t know what the hell I’m going to say to Megan.
♪ It’s like rain … ♪
No. Let it play.
For the love of God, let it play.
♪ It’s a free ride ♪ ♪
when you’ve already paid ♪
Go. ♪ It’s the good advice that you … ♪
Come on, Megan, listen to me.
Honey, let’s talk about this.
Is this because I’m too unselfish in bed?
Because I can change it around. I’m not going to say it’s going to be easy, but I can do it.
Megan, listen to me.
Honey, it’s always darkest before the dawn.
No, Billy, it’s not. It’s actually darkest in the middle of the night.
We have enough on the table here without arguing about proverbs.
Look, I knew things weren’t great, but to come home to a foreclosure sign?
Can we hug it for a second?
Can I touch it?
No. No, please.
Okay, listen. That could’ve been avoided if the Bob Williams deal didn’t go so bad on me.
You blew the Bob Williams deal?
Well, it’s not so much that I blew the deal as much as the company just decided to shut down and take our jobs away.
Come on, listen to me, sweetheart.
I promise you, I can pay for all of this.
It’s not about the money, Billy.
This is about you, okay?
You-you talk a big game, but you never do anything about it.
It’s like you say that we’re going to go to Spain, but have I ever been to Barcelona?
And not yet, but we’re going.
Vaya con dios, mi amor.
Porque esta bravo en Barthelona y fantástico.
No, we are not going to “Barthelona,” okay?
We have discussed going to Barthelona, but we are never going to go to Barthelona.
Not with an attitude like that, we’re not.
Oh, God.
Wait, do you even hear yourself?
Yes. I’m glad that you got to say some of that, because we’re in a relationship, and I’m just glad that we’re both committed to it.
No … do you know how badly I want to believe that, Billy?
Because I’ve been with you for a long time, and nothing ever seems to get better.
Honey, you were …
you’re such a great guy, but you always figure out a way to screw things
up and let people down.
And, Billy, I love you, but I’m really tired of being let down.
That’s terrible, Nicky.
Are you okay?
I should have gone on my own when I had the chance.
I was so stupid. I was …
Nicky, you did the right thing.
Always got a paycheck, played it smart.
Dad would have been proud.
Well, what would he have been proud of?
I didn’t play it smart.
I played it safe.
And look where I am now.
You’re at your nephew’s Little League game.
Now, cheer up.
Come on.
All right, Tate!
All right, here we go, Tate.
Put some wood on it.
He’s a great kid.
I keep telling you you’d make a terrific father.
Yep, you do keep telling me that.
Unfortunately, it would require you having a relationship that lasted longer than three months.
I’m not sure it would require that.
Let me call Kevin.
Jeanie …
I’m sure your boyfriend’s a great guy, but I’m not ready to work for someone
who spent all of last Thanksgiving explaining the meaning
of his tattoo.
Be reasonable, Nicky.
Take the job.
What else are you going to do?
That’s it. Just take the walk, Eagle Eye.
Walk’s as good as a hit.
Come on.
What is this guy saying?
Nick. Nick!
A walk’s not as good as a hit.
It’s not as good. Nick!
As a double or a triple.
It’s not as good as a dinger.
Go on, take a big cut, Tate.
Get off the field.
What are you doing?
You call him Eagle Eye
to get him not to swing?
Come on, he’s 12 years old.
He’s got the rest of his life to take a walk.
How about you take a walk, pal, and get off my field?
Just stop calling him Eagle Eye, okay?
Oh, I’m going to call him Eagle Eye.
Oh, no, you’re not.
Yes, I am.
You’re Eagle Eye, you piece of …
No, I’m not.
Nick! Get off me!
Go ahead, Tate. Swing!
I’m okay! I’m okay.
Play ball!
Come on, Tate! Swing big!
Read Moneyball, asshole.
Walks are as good as hits.
Just when you think your day couldn’t get any worse, it got worse.
I feel like my day bent me over, put a ball in my mouth and fucked me bad.
Is it just me, or does life look a lot like those hillbillies from Deliverance right now?
It’s got me over by the tree there, just told me I had a pretty mouth.
You over, squealing like a pig on all fours. “Whee!”
I’m looking, “Wh-Where’s Burt Reynolds with the crossbow?”
He’s not coming.
We’re there, it’s gonna happen.
You’re gonna get raped.
You know what it is?
I feel like life’s inside of me, just working, just pushing, just going all after it.
And then, all of a sudden, life pulls out.
But he’s gonna scurry up the pillow.
Boom, just explodes right in my fucking mouth.
How are you?
Hey. A cute kid.
How old is she?
She’s a boy.
Still very attractive.
You know, without pink or Blue, it’s hard to tell, but the features are great.
Maybe … maybe put him in some modeling.
That’s what they’re going for-that right-down-the-middle thing.
It’s like, how many different ways do we have to say, “I give up,” say “Uncle,” say “mercy” before life stops wailing away on us?
I mean, we are getting pounded.
You know, I feel like our whole generation are sheep that’s been sold a bad bill of goods.
Like, we were told, you know, go to college, get good grades.
Well, you didn’t go to college.
I’m saying, in theory, in concept, our generation was told that you go to college, you get a job, you …
you get a mortgage, and, you know, here we did everything the way we were supposed to, and what do we get for it?
Where’s our thanks? Nothing.
I think I’m going to call Kevin about that job.
Thanksgiving tattoo?
We’re not that low, are we, Nick?
Come on.
Show me one little something here.
What are you going to do, Billy?
Come on, Billy.
There he is.
How you been?
Good. Just working away.
Yeah. I see that.
Don’t slag off on the corners.
The corners are so important.
All right.
‘Cause we got people tracking shit in here all the time.
And I mean, like, literally dog shit.
Wow, I should’ve worn some gloves.
I said I should’ve worn some gloves.
Gloves aren’t gonna help you.
You don’t want protector duty?
‘Cause I got another place I can put you: Out on the curb, twirling the big arrow.
Does that sound good?
Hot sun beating down on you?
I’ve lost three of those guys to skin cancer.
We call that curb “the widow maker.”
I don’t want to go out to the widow maker.
How do you think you’d fare out there with that alabaster skin?
Well, I-I don’t know.
I’ll tell you.
You’d be dead in a year.
It felt like you …
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jeggings, 5:00.
Right there.
I’d like to play around in that rumpus room.
You know what I mean?
Have you done the back door yet?
Do what?
Back door.
Back-door action.
“Knock-knock.” Back door.
“It’s me.”
“With my penis.” No.
A life changer.
It is a life changer!
You VIP your way into that back alley, you don’t even think about the main entrance anymore.
You know what I mean by “the main entrance”?
We’re talking dick into the vagina.
Kevin, this is an awkward conversation.
Because you’re going out with my sister!
Oh, yeah. Well, don’t-don’t think we didn’t go through a period of adjustment.
Can you gentlemen help me?
Yes, ma’am. Nick is one of our best.
In fact, his entire family knows their way around a mattress.
Get it.
What are …?
Get it done.
My question is about memory foam versus standard.
Specifically as it relates to lumbar support.
Lumbar support.
I’m-Okay, I’m sorry.
Hi, great choice in mattress.
Why don’t you go ahead and, uh, lie down there.
Let’s try to work our way through this conundrum, uh, because what I think you’re asking is …
Oh, man.
Uh, Billy, I’m with a customer, thank you.
Pardon me, ma’am, yeah, just maybe start off on this.
Yeah. Just lay it down.
Yeah, come here for a second.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Listen, I got it.
I’ve seen the future, and it’s beautiful for us.
Okay, I don’t know what you got, but I got a job here, and I don’t want to lose it.
Now, can we talk about this later?
No, we can’t talk about it later.
The future doesn’t know later.
What are you …?
All the future is, is later.
That’s literally what the future is.
It’s later.
What are you talking about?
The place is amazing.
They got nap pods, they got massage rooms, they got a volleyball court.
They got the whole nine.
It’s ranked as the greatest place to work at in America.
Yeah, I know. It’s a technology company-a field we know Jack squat about.
Look-it, Google needs us.
And Google wants us.
They do?
You sweet son of a bitch.
You got us a job at Google?
Well, it’s not actually a job.
What do you mean, not an actual job?
Well, it’s an interview for an internship that has a better-than-not chance of materializing into a job.
Billy, now you’re making me very angry.
You want me to leave my job to go for an interview, not for a job but for an internship that may or may not lead to a job?
Nick, aren’t you tired of asking for just enough to get by?
I want to do something that matters.
I want to have a life that I’m excited about and that’s great.
Nick, I want us to go to California.
And I want us to get these jobs at Google.
I’m going to speak to a manager.
Terrific. I think he’s right over there in the corner.
Let’s roll it on over onto the stomach.
He’ll be very helpful.
Okay, what we’re gonna do here is get a little support for the hips.
So here comes … Imagine a pillow, right like there, okay?
Oh. Uh-huh.
And what we’re gonna do is separate the feet, create a little heat dispersion.
Excuse me!
Now, so we have …
Is there something I can help you with, ma’am?!
I’m trying to buy a mattress.
Listen, our interview is in one hour.
Now, Nick, this might be the last chance that we got.
How’s it going, Gossip Girls? CW just called, You’re canceled.
Excuse me?
Look, I know you’re peddling him a bunch of crap, just like the crap merchandise you two used to shill.
So, listen up, Marfan Syndrome.
Excuse me?
Big man’s disease.
The Giant Killer.
Me and you are the same height.
We’re not the same height.
We’re not the same height.
I’m handsome tall.
You’re the type of tall where you walk through the airport, people stop what they’re eating and look at you.
You’re like a freak.
Now, Nick, you have a customer waiting.
Nick … we have our future waiting.
Nick, you know what that says?
No, I don’t read Sanskrit.
“Make reasonable choices.”
That’s an odd thing to get tattooed on your neck.
Just get back to work!
God! I’m sorry you had to see that, ma’am.
Now, let’s get back to you and talk pelvic ventilation.
You know, you’ve been saying some insulting things to me all day.
What are you doing?
I’m taking the shirt off.
Because I don’t know what happens to a dream deferred.
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or does it explode?
I don’t want to find out.
You just made the worst mistake of your life, my friend.
Hey, hey-hey-hey-hey, yeah, hey!
You take the shirt off, it doesn’t go back on, okay?
There’s not a second chance!
See you in hell!
So we’re meeting our interviewer in here?
No, not in here. We’re meeting him in here.
It’s a Hangout.
This is how people do it now, Nicky-they have their interviews on the Internet.
I like it.
Now, it says here that the internship is only for college students, so …
Guess who’s way ahead of you.
That’s why I enrolled us at the University of Phoenix.
That proud online institution.
Go, Fighting Phoenixes.
Wait, you put my major down as physics?
Why-why would you put my major down as …
I don’t know shit about physics.
Look …
Physics scares me.
These guys paint the corner of the plate with their pitches.
They’re not gonna come straight down the middle and ask you about physics, It’s too obvious.
I took it off the table.
Good. Hide in plain sight.
But you put you down for sales?
As your major?
Well, ‘cause I’m a talker.
I figure I should probably dazzle.
I want you to-you know, I’ve thought about this.
I just figure, like, hide your vacancy and let me dazzle.
Okay, dazzle. Are you done yet?
There’s a 15-minute limit.
I’m sorry, you know what?
The big boys are gonna need the computer a little longer, but maybe we can make this a win-win for you.
Get yourself a soda pop.
Give her some money, yeah.
Here you go.
Yeah, just go put some sugar in your body.
Enjoy it.
What a cute kid.
I’m no child, but, Billy …
Okay, here they are.
Now, when I hit this, they’ll be able to see us, so come on in, get in there close so we can be seen on the Webcam.
See how small the Webcam is?
They can see us …
No, get cheek to cheek. Nick, come here, cheek to cheek.
Okay, but don’t crowd me.
You’re crowding me right now.
Nick, get cheek to cheek.
Will you get your cheek …
Buddy, they can’t see us.
I understand that. Here we go.
Go cheek to cheek. Just go like I tell you.
Okay. Don’t yell in my …
Put your fucking cheek next to mine.
Yes, yes, I get it.
We can see you guys.
Okay, great!
Good! You got us?
Hi! My name is Billy!
Uh, we can hear you fine as well.
Oh, great. Um …
Billy McMahon.
Nick Campbell.
I’m Benjamin.
We’re thirsty, too.
Okay, slow it down there, camper.
I’m not an ATM.
I got a job interview here.
Thank you.
We’ll be back.
Okay, easy.
Are you in a library?
You know, we’re in a program here called …
We are.
There’s some beautiful little kids here.
Yeah, kids. Helping kids program-one of the things we’re involved in-where we take suburban kids and we teach them what it’s like to be homeless.
Oh, what’s it called?
Oh, it’s-it’s called, uh …
Attitude Adjustment.
Attitude Adjustment.
And that’s where we are today.
We’re helping the kids.
And-and to be honest with you, we did the interview here because we wanted to help out, and also we don’t have Webcams for our computer.
If you don’t have a Webcam on your computer, what type of computer do you use for your coding ability?
Coding ability?
Uh, yeah.
Uh, under computer skills, you put “C-plus-plus.”
That’s actually a C-plus.
What’s that?
Well, the second plus is to reflect my attitude of how I felt about the C-plus.
But it’s a C-plus.
It was a typing class.
You know, same principle, just not the engine inside the baby there.
But it was more like “quick brown fox.”
You know, put your hands in the basin, and crushing it like that.
But that h-helped me out a lot when I, as I started my journey into computers because I already knew where to put my hands, clearly.
Okay, if we could focus on this now-you are currently enrolled at the University of Phoenix online?
Indeed, yes, we are.
Damn right we are.
Damn right we are.
It’s, uh, the oldest institution of its kind, and as such, many people refer to it as the Harvard of Internet colleges.
Oh! I hadn’t heard that actually.
I … No.
That-that has not made it out here, that reputation.
Well, we’re Phoenix proud.
We’re Phoenix proud.
Well, that’s fine.
Um, we’re gonna ask you a few questions that some of our candidates find a little bit odd.
Let’s get weird!
No judgment. Shoot.
You’re shrunken down to the size of nickels and dropped to the bottom of a blender.
What do you do?
Is there anything else in the blender?
Uh, I don’t know.
Well, that’s gonna make a difference.
Are there ice cubes to climb on?
Are we working with a daiquiri here?
Are we throwing a little rum in?
Are we making a smoothie?
It’s been a long week.
Maybe we want to let these little guys live a little.
Okay, for the sake of the argument, let’s say it’s empty.
Well, in that case, it’s easy, then.
I’m sorry?
If we’re shrunk down to the size of a nickel and there’s no liquid in the blender, we go ahead and put it on our backs.
So you take her flat on your back like this.
Right, right, right. You just lay back, enjoy that breeze.
Lay stiff as a board, light as a feather.
Pretend it’s a fan.
Okay, once is …
And let those blades just whip all around you like this.
It’s like getting an MRI.
Dazzle, dazzle.
Once this blender’s on, it’s on forever.
It’s on. Forever.
Respectfully, I got to disagree.
We sold blenders, and even the best model in the world is only gonna run nonstop for, what, Billy?
Even the Germans, the Germans could never …
Yeah. Even the German model.
Even one of those Braun ones, they’re only gonna run nonstop maybe ten or 11 hours.
So we’re getting out, and when we do, we’re better off for it, because whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
But let’s just go ahead and big-picture this for a second, if I can.
Just like the founders of Google.
Big-picture Googling.
It’s not so much getting out of the blender,
It’s what happens next.
That’s the question.
You’ve got two nickel-sized men free in the world.
Think of the possibilities.
I mean, I-I-off the top of my head, and I’m just spitballing here.
My head’s swimming.
Sunglass repair?
Yeah, yeah …
We’d be hell on those little screws.
Or maybe you stick us in those submarines that they put in people’s bodies to fight diseases.
That’s cutting-edge right there.
Okay, you-That’s-that’s not a real thing, the submarines.
Wait a minute.
I thought we were stuck in a blender.
Now we’re saving lives? What?!
Uh, what?
What?! What?! What?
Let me just recap this for you real quick.
We started off in a blend …
Now we’re saving lives!
What? What? What?
Wait a minute!
We were stuck in a blender …
What a journey!
And now we saving lives?!
You guys led us to this.
Thank you.
I think we’ve gotten a little far afield.
Just a little off topic.
Ally, I’ll get inside you and I’ll fight for you.
Uh, thank you. I-I appreciate that, but …
Which one of you … which one of you is physics?
Mr. Campbell?
You could maybe expound on this from a physics aspect.
Here, here …
Listen, the-I-I could bend your ear about physics and various physical phenomenon,
but the truth is, we were in a blender.
We lost our jobs, we’d given up.
So I think we already answered the question when we took this interview.
We got ourselves out, and here we are.
If you guys really want to know what happens when you take two guys out of a blender-
I’m sorry, Allison, is it?
Then give us a shot.
And I think you’d be happy that you did.
So, who is our next applicant?
Ah, our two daiquiri men.
So, what are we thinking …
You’re kidding, right?
Mmm, they seem like really nice guys, but I-I don’t think so.
Okay. Moving on.
Oh, can I say something?
You can. You will.
We will resent you for wasting our time, but please don’t let that stop you.
It’s just, diversity is in our DNA, right?
I thought the goal here was to find people with a different way of thinking.
There’s plenty of people with a different way of thinking.
It doesn’t mean that we have to hire them.
Very good point, Dana.
Moving on.
I’m sorry, but you read their résumés, right?
They have more years of sales and life experience than the age of most of our interns.
Not to mention, our final judgment is always based on the Layover Test, right?
Who would you rather be stuck next to at an airport bar for a six-hour delay?
The ten millionth kid who knows that if you shrink, your strength-to-weight ratio allows you to jump way higher?
Or the out-of-the-box thinkers who turned being stuck in a blender into an advantage?
♪ Tell me how you feel ♪
♪ What’s your fantasy, oh? ♪
♪ I see us on a beach
♪ ♪ down in Mexico ♪
♪ You can put your feet
up, ♪ ♪ be my señorita ♪
♪ We ain’t got to rush, ♪ ♪ just take it slow ♪
♪ You’ll be in the high life, ♪ ♪ soaking up the sunlight ♪
♪ Anything you want, ♪ ♪ it’s yours ♪
♪ I’ll have you living
life ♪ ♪ like you should ♪
♪ You say you never ♪
♪ had it so good … ♪
So it begins.
Here we go.
Place is incredible.
Where do we check in?
Let’s ask somebody here.
Oh, excuse me!
I’m sorry, excuse me, do you …Billy?
It’s scary because it’s new.
Let’s go check in.
Head towards those big, big letters there.
What’s up, family?
♪ Girl, tell me how you feel ♪
♪ What’s your fantasy, oh? ♪
♪ I see us on a beach
♪ ♪ down in Mexico ♪
♪ You can put your feet
up, ♪ ♪ be my señorita ♪
♪ We ain’t got to rush, ♪ ♪ just take it slow ♪
♪ You’ll be in the high life, ♪ ♪ soaking up the sunlight ♪
♪ Anything you want, ♪ ♪ it’s yours ♪
♪ I’ll have you living life ♪
What’s your last name?
♪ Like you should
♪ You say you never ♪
♪ had it so good ♪
♪ Na na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na na na ♪ ♪ You
never had it so good
♪ Na na-na na-na na-na ♪
♪ Na na-na na ♪ ♪ You never had it so good …
Picture the greatest amusement park you’ve ever been to as a kid.
Now imagine a place nothing like it and a million times better.
That’s where we are.
I’m gonna grab us a coffee.
You check us in.
What’s the damage here?
For the-for these?
These are complimentary?
Complimentary. Free.
Whatever you want.
What you’re just saying is if I-whatever I walk away with here …
It’s free.
You can have bananas.
I probably should, only because it’s a great way to st-
This is the most important meal of the day.
Take two. They’re free.
No, I know, but for my day, I need it.
What about these-the bagels and all that?
Yeah, it’s free.
Anything you want.
If you’re insisting, twist my arm.
I’ll have a couple of them.
Like four-four of them.
Well, just whatever it is.
What about five of them?
Free, too.
Well, why don’t you go ahead and make it seven, then?
If you want to whip up some of the other drinks.
Do you have a to-go cup, like, a Guzzler?
Do you have, like, a Rednek Guzzler with a straw?
Excuse me. Pardon me.
Do you know what, uh, launch this was from?
Sorry. Uh, I have a meeting.
Oh, no, no, I don’t want to hold you.
I was just …
I was just curious.
Was this thing actually in space?
If only there were some Web page you could go to.
Right? Where you could just type things in and search for answers.
Ah. Yes, that would be nice.
Nick Campbell.
Uh, oops. Intern.
Dana Simms. Late.
Yep, and I’m late, too.
I got to rush off.
And it’s SpaceShipOne.
First private
manned spaceflight.
Winner of the X Prize.
Oh, my God, are those your Dads?
Seriously, same-sex partners make excellent parents.
I so wish my parents were gay.
When did 20 start to look like 12?
Oh, man.
Yes, of course I’ll work my hardest.
Mom, how can I work harder than my hardest?
That’s physically impossible …
Okay, okay, I-I will.
Yes, I love you … Mom.
Billy McMahon, Billy McMahon.
Nice to meet you.
How are you?
Oh, I’m gonna grab some food over here.
You okay?
Get something. I’m good.
You all right if I leave you?
This stuff looks good, huh?
Little pick-me-up.
Excuse me. Sir.
Graham Hawtrey.
Billy McMahon.
I’m so thrilled to be here.
Oh, me, too.
Feels kind of like the first day of spring training for Little League here.
I got to tell you, I feel like I got a few more clicks on the old odometer than most of you kids here.
Well, honestly, that’s why I came over here.
I said to myself, “Graham, there’s a man “with some life experience.
Probably teach you a thing or two.”
Oh, you got to meet my friend, Nicky.
You’ll love him. Nicky!
Nickelodeon! Come over here!
Come over.
Come meet this guy, Graham.
He’s in the internship program with me and you.
Hey. How you doing?
You’re interns?
Shut up!
Deal with it.
Shut the fuck up.
Deal with it.
But you’re so old, though.
Whoa. Excuse me?
Oh, my God, I feel terrible!
I feel so stupid.
No, don’t be. We’re excited.
No, it’s fine.
No, I feel terrible. I feel terrible.
No. For what?
I just, you know, um … I thought you were important.
Oh, shit.
I’ve got to find some people who actually matter, but good luck!
Wh-Why did you bring me over to introduce me to this guy?
It’s like he was your best friend.
You introduced me to Hitler.
Well, he seemed like he was sweet at first.
My name is Roger Chetty.
And I am head of the Google Intern Program.
Welcome to Google.
This will not be your average internship.
Oh, no.
You will do what we do.
And we will watch how well you do it.
Now, you represent the finest schools.
Your intelligence, your achievement is well noted, but to excel at this internship, you’re going to need far more than brainpower.
What you’re going to need is Googliness.
Nothing funny.
The intangible stuff that made a search engine into an engine for change.
Now, you will be divided into teams, and by the end of the summer, only one team will be guaranteed a full-time position.
The other 95% of you will not.
Now, you’ve been split up into several seminars to acquaint you with our campus and culture.
Seminar descriptions have been e-mailed to each of you.
I would wish you luck, but it’s not luck that you need.
Get to work!
Well, this ain’t gonna be about getting coffee and running errands for people.
No, no.
We’re looking at some sort of mental Hunger Games against a bunch of genius kids for just a handful of jobs.
That’s why we got to nail this thing.
This is our opening statement.
If it please the court.
Oh, it pleases the court, counselor.
Okay, Workplace Seminar.
Still a few seats left.
First impression time, baby.
Okay, we can do good in this.
We have to do …
So close yet so far, boys.
Whoa! Graham, Graham, we were here first.
You know what?
You’re right.
You guys could use the advantage.
Go ahead.
What’s that supposed to mean?
It means that in a world of excellence, old and unexceptional qualifies as diversity.
So you know what? Go ahead.
What’s that saying?
“Age before beauty”?
Thank you.
You’re welcome, William.
You know, there’s always some joker who likes to play fuck-around.
I guess that’s gonna be you, Graham.
All right, at least we know.
Game on.
Good luck, boys.
Now, I recognize that Google is not a conventional workplace.
Having said that, we have rules.
I’m going to ask you a series of questions.
You are going to raise the green paddle to indicate “yes” and the red paddle to indicate “no.”
So, let’s begin.
“Having a beer with your boss.”
Some of you are under 21.
Some of us aren’t under 21, so …if you want to grab a cold one with me, I’m happy to do that with you.
I will not be grabbing a cold one with you.
You get high?
I don’t get high.
I’m not judging, I’m just saying, people do it.
That being said, if you want something cold to drink, we’ll hook you up.
I’m okay.
Thank you, Just stop talking to me.
I’m your Bill Holden in Stalag 17.
I don’t even … I really don’t get that reference.
Google it.
Got it.
“Dating a fellow intern.”
This is Google, not Match.
Chetty, excuse me. What about a full-time employee?
Say, management level, but not a direct supervisor.
Great eyes, and a severity to her look that is surprisingly sexy.
What’s the policy on that?
No? That’s frowned upon also?
So we’ll say no to love?
We’ll say no to love, yes.
That’s gonna be a no.
“taking food home from the office.”
Are you having difficulty with this, Mr. McMahon?
I’m sorry.
Just to drill down on this, what if it’s, like, a perishable?
Like, say there was a pudding or something that was left out.
You’d like to take home a pudding, would you?
I wouldn’t mind taking home a pudding, I don’t …
I don’t know who wouldn’t.
Oh, yeah.
But that being said, I’m just saying if it’s gonna go bad, is that okay to take-take it home?
Mm-hmm. Anything else you’d like to take home?
Only if there was, let’s say, salsa or chips.
You know, something that’s not wrapped.
Salsa, chips and pudding.
Or Sushi.
Salsa, chips, pudding and Sushi.
Anything else?
Ice cream.
Salsa, chips, pudding, Sushi and ice cream.
Salsa, chips, pudding, Sushi, ice cream and pizza.
I wouldn’t take home a frozen pizza, but if there was a nice pie that was out …
Oh, boy.
I am truly impressed, Mr. McMahon.
Thank you.
At the both of you.
At how quickly you have confirmed my doubts about you.
Now, let’s try this one more time.
“Taking food home from the office.”
Very good.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is all.
Well, I’m not gonna dress it up.
Today didn’t go well.
It certainly wasn’t the first impression we were looking for.
But here’s the deal.
Tomorrow is the pick teams day, right?
Which makes it all the more important for us to fall in with a strong team.
If we can surround ourselves with the right group of these little geniuses, we still got a shot here.
Nicky, we can coattail this bitch.
You’re right, and by the way, there’s no shame in that.
There’s no shame in being the 12th man at the end of the bench who’s never getting
in the game, but he’s got a lot of enthusiasm.
He’s waving the towel, he’s doling out high fives during time-outs.
Because I’ll tell you about that guy.
When the team wins the championship, he still gets a ring.
Damn right he does.
So we got to be that awkward seven-footer from Lithuania.
I love your spirit.
Look, I love you like a brother, but I can’t have those cold clams brushing up against me in the bed here at night.
Keep me up all night.
Okay, suit yourself.
I’m gonna give you the bed, I’ll take her tomorrow.
Can you hit that light, Pocahontas?
Tomorrow’s a new day.
Welcome to day two. I am Sid, eighth-year Googler.
You guys are new Googlers,
Thus you’re … Nooglers.
Now, this place is all about community and collaboration.
So you’ll be working in teams from here on out. All right.
You have five minutes.
Pick your teams.
You, on me.
Oh, now, be picky, okay?
Play hard to get.
Don’t be desperate, Just be cool, okay?
This is everything.
Are you still looking for someone?
I could be your teammate.
College, major, S.A.T. score?
Um, Harvard, computer science, 2390.
Fine. On me, Fatface.
Uh, my name’s Zach, not …
University of …
My name’s not Fat …
Hello, Stanford.
You’re coming with me.
The University of Phoenix online.
Sort of considered the Harvard of the West.
Why don’t we all be a team?
Why don’t we all be a team?
Why don’t we all be a team?
Can I just get … Oh, please don’t touch me.
Please, you-you’re touching me.
Blondie, you’re coming with me on account of your physical appearance.
Does anyone want to … want to be on a team with me?
Super fun.
Really smart, but also very fun.
I was voted “most likely to succeed” in my chess club.
Um, Mr. Chetty?
I don’t have a group.
You’ll mentor the leftovers.
Which, it would seem, would include your two charity cases.
Off you go.
Yo, Billy and Nick?
Hey. Hi.
Nice, there they are.
Nice to meet you. I’m Lyle, one of the team managers.
Pound me.
Oh, normally, just putting the-the fist out without the words is all that’s necessary.
Come on, bro, fist me, Get up in there.
Yeah, that’s definitely not right.
I’m sorry, you said you were a-a manager?
How old are you?
I’m 23, but no worries, fellas.
I’m an old soul.
Yeah, that’s great.
Um, yeah, well, the thing about it is, pal, is that, um, we don’t have a …well, we have two-me and … me and Nick-but we don’t have the rest of our team.
We didn’t …
But we figured …
Correction: You didn’t have a team, but you got one now, son.
‘Cause I got a few outliers.
Buh-bam, ker-plash, zshaw!
And we about to get it all good up in this hood, right?
Outliers, ‘cause I just dropped a little G-well on you.
‘Cause Malcolm’s my dog, Malcolm’s my dog.
What you say …
Malcolm’s my dog.
Outliers, you know, from 10,000 hours?
Look, let’s get a team meeting going, everybody!
Come on, team meet time.
Wonder Twin powers activate!
What other options do we have?
Let’s go, everybody!
Come on, you’re with me!
You’re with me.
Uh …
My team, corner pocket.
All right, let’s get some meet and greet going up in this heezy.
I’m Lyle, and it’s pretty much WYSIWYG-“what you see is what you get.”
I’ve been here at the Goog for four years, working on seven projies en este momento.
Wow, seven projects?
Hey, they ask, and I do’s it.
What can I say, I’m a people pleaser, especially the ladies.
My Mercedes.
So it’s all good in Lyle’s hood, you heard?
Uh, yeah, is Lyle always gonna be referring to himself in the third person?
‘Cause if he is, I might want to punch Lyle in the face.
Okay, tough but fair.
Good note.
Lyle’s still a little nervous.
Shh …
Uh, first-time manager, Lyle’s a first-time …
I’m gonna stop doing that.
I’m gonna cut it out.
Keep it to first and second person.
Who’s next?
My name is Yo-Yo Santos.
Yo-Yo, how about a high five?
Yo-Yo, easy, buddy.
I come in peace.
Geez, Yo-Yo, did you get beat up a lot in school?
I was homeschooled by my Mom.
Did you get beat up a lot in homeschool?
Discipline is a very important part of growth.
But my mother was actually a very nurturing person.
For example, she provided me selflessly with the milk of her bosom until I was seven years old.
So it’s like, uh, you’re tying your shoe, you’re climbing trees, you’re blowing up fireworks, and then you’re right on Mom.
You got mouth on Mom.
Breast-feeding leads to a higher IQ.
Okay. Actually, the science isn’t quite definitive on that.
I was bottle-fed.
It never slowed me down.
Vitamins are vitamins, whether they come from a teat or a baba.
Sorry, what was that?
The teat or baba thing, it’s wrong.
I just Googled it, so you’re wrong.
Oh, yeah, I’m Stuart.
Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Stu. You know, you can’t trust everything you read on the …
The Journal of the American Medical Association?
Sounds pretty trustworthy.
It says that breast milk has more nutrients and that those nutrients are more easily digested and absorbed.
Your confusion is understandable, though.
You were bottle-fed.
He’s right. That’s right.
Whoa, guys, where’s all this hostility coming from?
Where do you think it’s coming from, you big tree?
Two fifths of our team are made up of two old guys who don’t know shit.
Okay, guys, I, for one,
am very happy to have two strapping, mature gentlemen on the team.
Thank you.
Oh, uh, I’m Neha Patel, and oh, my God, you guys would make the best Luke and Han.
Excuse me?
Oh, Star Wars cosplay.
Costume play.
You know, where people dress up as their favorite anime or movie character?
I’d be slave girl Leia.
Yeah, metal bikini top, metal G-string panty, high-heel leather boots.
Of course, I’m chained at the neck.
but just enough to make things interesting.
The neck constriction’s interesting?
Yeah, a few of us get together and … whatever happens, happens.
Oh, uh, but work-wise, yeah, um, your skills aren’t really relevant here or really in this millennium, so stay out of our way.
We’re gonna do this shit on our own.
Well, I’m loving this friction.
You know why? Because that’s how you get a fire started.
I’m Nick, This is my pal, Billy, and despite what you may think, uh, we’re here like the rest of you, just running down a dream.
All right.
Team Lyle!
No, okay, we’ll workshop that.
It’s in beta.
Our Translate lecture is in 15 minutes.
Translate is about giving everyone access to every word ever written, no matter what language it was written in, because when the entire world can see, read and find the rest of the world’s cool stuff, good things start happening.
Lyle, you laying-in-the-weeds son of a bitch.
You’re hot for teacher, my man.
I took her dance class here once, but she doesn’t even know I exist.
What are you talking about?
 “Doesn’t know you exist”?
Come on, you’re communicating with her right here.
What’s this thing?
Oh, no, this is just the company intranet.
It’s got info on every Google employee like birthdays, trivia, meeting calendars, everything.
Oh, hey, fancy seeing you here.
Is it?
Or maybe you calendar-stalked me and you knew exactly where I was gonna be right now.
Now, am I detecting a bit of an accent?
You are.
Uh-huh, I have a very good ear.
English, right? ‘Ello, guvna.
Oliver Twist, “more bread, please, sir.”
Australian, actually.
Really? Similar flags, though.
Hey, Dana.
Lord of the Rings country.
Okay, the stain on this one’s better, but the white one may be a goner.
Okay, thanks.
I eat very fast.
Bangers and mash.
That’s also British.
Vegemite sandwich, then, which I’m sure you gobble down very quickly so you can get back to the grind.
I mean, it is impressive staying at work till midnight every day-also on the calendar.
Look, Nick, I’m sure you’re very popular with the 19-year-olds at the University of Phoenix, with your Southern drawl, and the blond hair, and this whole thing you got going on, but I got to tell you, this is just never gonna happen.
“This”? What?
I mean, it’s …
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
This is me reaching out as an intern.
They’ve encouraged us to approach experienced Googlers and just pick their brains.
Oh, oh, I’m sorry.
Of course.
You thought I was just …
“Oh, who’s this wanker just steaming in?”
You just want to learn.
You want to learn.
Well, look, Sid here, he’s incredible.
He’s about to give a talk on HTML5.
Nick is desperate to learn.
He’d love to come along.
Let’s make it happen.
Yeah, sure.
Okay, well …
Come on down, brother.
Sometimes we go all day, all night.
Well, I can’t start any sooner than right now.
Let’s do it.
Cool, let’s rock.
Come on, everybody, Here we go.
Now, wait, where are you going?
Oh, I have a meeting.
But you know that.
Let’s go.
Come on, don’t be shy.
You have a crush on her, my friend.
Good morning, interns.
Today marks the first of several challenges through which your team will show their merits.
While internally dogfooding a new product, a number of Googlers reported a bug that disabled their audio.
All two million lines of that code are in the source files.
Your job: Find the bug.
Okay, we should check the user reports.
Scan the logs for any red flags.
See what exceptions were thrown.
I always start by drawing up strategies to sift through the code.
Code, right? Code, right? Codes.
Uh …
So at the end of the day, we’re looking to kind of break the password here, right?
Maybe the answer’s in the question.
Maybe it’s something with bug.
Bug like fly. The Fly.
Is Chetty a cinephile?
Boggles my mind that no one has a notebook out.
You guys are focused on writing this gibberish.
Maybe that’s helpful, maybe it’s not, but I guarantee you what we’re saying is helpful.
Guys, we’re looking for a bug, not a password.
They’re different things.
Keep going with that human connection.
Oh, geez, you know what?
You had it.
We’ll go on fly, ‘cause that’s where we’re at, and we’re flying it, We’re right there.
Fly, fly.
I know we’re buzzing around it.
I like that.
Zzz, Y-L-F.
And it’s a word scramble, and it’s life.
For some reason, I can’t get “fly” out of my mind, and now I’m going Lopez, Jennifer Lopez.
Is it a fly girl?
Pop fly? Uh, excavation.
Earthquakes, California.
That’s it! Write that down!
Where? Where?
Do it, do it, write it down, type it in.
What am I doing?
Would you please stop?
No, we’re working.
No, we’re working.
Yeah, and that’s a Sharpie, by the way, genius.
That’s my fault.
Go ahead and wash that.
Look, guys, I’m sorry, but you’re not helping.
You’re just saying a lot of words really fast that mean nothing.
To find the bug, we need to scan the user logs and review the code until we find the programmer’s mistake.
It’s the only way.
Except what if it’s not the only way?
Go. Okay, you said that someone programmed it.
That means some person in this building wrote that code.
A human being.
Let’s just give him a name and call him Tony.
Let’s say Tony likes kayaking.
All of a sudden, me and Nick become friends with Tony, We’re throwing a few beers back.
We’re doing a little kayaking with my main man, Tony.
Tony’s bombed on the open water.
Next thing you know, we start gabbing about audio bugs.
Yeah, I actually think it’s a great idea.
Good, great!
Dark and stormy, feeling us.
Yeah, no, feeling you big-time, buddy.
You know what, in fact, why don’t the two of you guys right now go and find the programmer.
Great. Great idea.
Yo-Yo, who’s our man?
His name is Charles Xavier.
Charles Xavier.
Perfect. Nick, write this down.
Steel trap.
Uh, he’s a Professor.
At Stanford.
Yeah, just a few minutes away, really.
Guys …
And he’s in a wheelchair.
Got it, Stanford, wheelchair.
What else?
Uh, oh, he’s bald.
Might be with his best friend who wears a metal helmet.
Wears a fitted suit.
He looks like a geneticist.
More, more, more, more.
Go on, hit us, hit us.
Has a British accent.
British? With my ear, we’re done.
Okay, keep searching, Think fly, think bug.
I promise you, somehow, this intersects with Goldblum.
Let’s get a move on.
Goldblum, of course.
All right, back to work, guys.
Hey, Professor, what up!
Professor Charles Xavier?
Very funny.
British. Listen, Professor Xavier, sorry to bother you. If we could just talk to you for …
Gentlemen, I don’t have time for his.
Okay, Professor Xavier, we know that it’s you, and listen, we really need your help.
All right, you-you found me out.
I am Charles Xavier, and that’s Cyclops, and Rogue.
We’re all here.
Now, come closer.
I want to share some of my telekinetic wisdom with you.
Well, I want you to share with me, ‘cause I want to know about these bugs.
Oh, you maniacal monster!
Professor Xavier is a total dick!
Yo to the yo.
Where are we at on ensuring it wasn’t a networking issue?
Confirmed there was no packet lost.
Almost done checking on whether the encryption had the wrong certificate.
I’m sorry, “almost”?
Uh, you’re either done or you’re not.
You can’t be almost pregnant.
Yeah, hey, she would know, guys.
You know what, why don’t you Google “asshole,” asshole?
She’s right. It’s not good enough.
Get it together, Yo-Yo.
What the fuck was that?
I was punishing myself for my inferior performance.
Well, that’s good.
That’s great. We got crazy over here and crazy horny over here.
Oh, let me guess.
Big dick ‘cause … little dick?
Did your mind just immediately go to a penis joke?
Is that, like, all you …
Oh, oh, I’m sorry.
Was that not witty enough for you?
Because I’m too busy working.
No, yeah, that’s fine.
I just want you to acknowledge the fact that I’m winning the quip-off.
That’s what you’re worried about right now?
Yes, that’s really what I’m worried about.
So you’re more concerned with snarky banter than actually winning?
The deadline’s at the end of the week, so …
Hey, hey.
You guys find Professor Xavier?
Yeah, we found him.
Yeah, thanks so much for that.
That’s, uh …
really great team spirit.
Mind sliding over here?
I’m sorry.
It really doesn’t look like there’s enough room for you.
Have a great lunch.
Yeah, enjoy it.
Billy Okay, let’s see here.
Let’s see.
See anything?
Oh, there’s an opening.
Is that taken? Okay.
It’s taken.
Let’s go over here.
Hi, Headphones. You mind if we sit here?
I think we can take that as a “yes.” All right.
We’re gonna have to at this point.
How you doing, bud?
He doesn’t even know we exist.
He’s like some kind of a superhero on this computer.
Look at him, He’s just crushing his thing and kicking ass.
Do you remember what it felt like to be that good at something?
Look at this!
Person I don’t know.
Figured I’d find you at the cool kids’ table.
It’s like a confederacy of outcasts out here.
Heard you had a day trip to, uh, Palo Alto?
Home of Silicon Valley and also the X-Men, apparently.
Where are you going with this, Graham?
Oh, I just wanted to let you guys know, we won the bug challenge.
What are you gonna do about it, boys?
I wouldn’t worry if I was you about what we’re gonna do or what we’re not gonna do, We’re gonna be just fine.
You’re gonna be fine?
All right.
Keep telling yourself that.
See you all-stars at the intramural fields for the next challenge I’ll win.
Sports. Something we know about, baby.
Something we know a lot about, baby.
Come on, now.
Look at me.
For real.
All right, teams, welcome to the Quidditch pitch.
Let’s have a good, clean match, Nooglers.
Fatty, don’t touch the ball.
Okay, rules. The Beaters toss the Bludgers at the Chasers before they can get the Quaffle through the three rings.
No blagging, no blatching, no bumphing, no haversacking.
I don’t want to see any Quaffle-pocking.
No Imperius curses, no Confundus charms.
In the unlikely event of a Dementor attack, use a Patronus charm.
I recommend the stag, but that’s a personal decision.
Lyle, Lyle, Lyle, these beautiful idiots have no idea what you’re talking about.
Use your Muggle words.
Come on.
Come on, Lyle, you’re making me feel like I’m back in math class, okay?
You got a couple savants here with eye-hand coordination.
Just say “game on” and let us play.
Fair enough, Version 2.0.
Peg them with the kick balls before they throw the volleyball through the hoop.
Brooms in, people.
Hufflepuff on three.
One, two, three …
Yeah, son!
Yeah, let’s get it.
All right, game time.
Let’s get Huff-tarded in here.
No mercy! No mercy!
Tips down!
Blue team, ready?
Red team, ready?
Brooms up!
All right, slam it!
Ten points Blue.
Billy, Billy, talk to me!
What do I do?
What are we doing?
How do I do it?
It’s chaos!
Come on, you got it.
Billy, I’m lost.
Just hit them, hit them!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s happening?
What the hell was that?
Why don’t you try looking up and giving a shit, man?
Come on!
I can’t take this! What am I supposed …
Come get me.
Who do I hit?
No, no!
Come get hit.
Who wants to fight?
I want somebody to hit!
Get the broom between the legs, folks.
My bad. Let’s go, let’s go.
Lesson learned, lesson learned, lesson learned.
What the fuck does this have to do with computers?
I’m winning.
Don’t move, fatty.
Blue, ten points.
Thank you.
What?! What?!
Bring it in, guys. Come on, let’s huddle up.
Good work, everybody.
Everybody except for you, Zach.
It’s over.
Yeah, our team’s a joke.
Well, I ain’t laughing.
What about you, Billy?
Hell, no.
Listen, we need to get our minds right and start believing.
This reminds me of a little girl who had to get her head right and start believing, a little girl from a steel town who had the dream to dance.
No one believed in that little welder girl, but thank God she believed in herself.
Are you talking about Flashdance?
The movie from the ‘80s?
Yeah, you’re damn right I am.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Got it.
The deck was stacked against Alex, and you know how she overcame those odds?
By believing in herself and trying.
She literally had to become a maniac.
Have any of you ever been called a maniac?
Maybe because you were a little bit different?
My Mom calls me a maniac every night when I tell her I love her.
Of course she does, Yo-Yo.
You are a little bit, in a good way.
Well, guess what.
That old Bill Gates, they called him a maniac, too.
No question.
Yeah, I don’t think anyone ever called him a maniac.
I just called him a maniac.
Okay, damn it, guys.
You guys are getting off the point here.
You’re right.
She had to strip down to nothing.
She had to sit in that chair and arch her back, and she pulled a chain to nowhere, and doused herself with water.
Yeah, where did that water come from?
Who knows?
It came from her belief that it was there.
She believed so hard she found herself with an audition in front of those stuffed shirts at the dance school, and she spun … oh, and she spun and she spun and she spun and she spun and she spun herself into that dance school.
And she spun herself into our hearts.
Now, in the second half of whatever the hell you guys call this game, can’t we all be that little welder girl who wants to be something more?
Now, look, I know you
guys aren’t excited
that we’re on your
team, but we’re here.
Guys, we’re in this
thing together.
So I’m asking you, believe in yourselves, 
believe in each other.
Let’s put on our leg warmers,
and let’s dance our asses off.
Come here, you little lovable maniacs.
Get in here.
All right, now, I got an idea
that I think would make.
Bear Bryant smile. No idea
who that is, but
we’re listening.
♪ ♪
Let’s go!
Lyle, hit me!
Got it, got it, got it, got it!
♪ ♪
Blind her! I’m going in!
♪ ♪
Yeah! Eat it, Malfoy! Suck it!
♪ ♪
See ya!
Coming at you, Nick!
♪ ♪
Who’s on Blondie?
All right, let’s go, boys.
Pick and roll.
Stockton to Malone!
She shoots, she scores, baby!
Baby, what’s up?!
Tie game!
Where were you? Huh?
I had to use the restroom.
I’m sorry.
♪ ♪
It’s the Golden Snitch!
Who the fuck is this now?
Zach, get over here.
All right, Fatface, I think
it’s time to fake an injury.
I don’t know how
to fake an injury.
Man down.
♪ ♪
Get the tennis ball and we win!
♪ ♪
Run, you big tree!
Aah! Go!
Come on, ref, you
gonna call that?!
Yeah! Yeah!
♪ ♪
You can’t be serious. That
bitch just snaked me.
That’s got to be illegal.
Sorry, if I didn’t see
it, I can’t call it.
You okay there, Golden Boy?
Yeah, the Snitch is fine.
G.D. it!
Don’t start that, Yo-Yo.
You did your best
out there today.
That’s the first time
we all came together as a team.
Goddamn it, Billy’s right.
Let’s keep it rolling.
Just keep it rolling.
Come on, let’s get a frosty.
Would I be wrong to
call you my brother?
Of course not. I’d do anything
for my little show pony.
Look at me. Anything.
I’m gonna need you to
ice my balls for me.
Nick Oh, boy.
Time to shut the engines
down for a little bit and …
take a load off, Nicky.
Oh, boy. What would I do
without these babies?
This is a “shh” zone.
Hi. Hey.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
By the way, thank you for
sending me to that seminar.
It was actually
pretty interesting.
What have you been up to?
I’m gonna go.
No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
You were here
first, I’ll leave.
Uh, one thing before I
go, Quick question.
If I was to invite someone out
to a really nice dinner around
here, where would I go?
Um …
I wouldn’t know, actually.
I spend most of my
time on campus.
What?! That’s criminal!
Has it occurred to you that
I work hard for a reason?
Hmm? This may sound silly
to you, but I actually
believe that what we do here
helps make people’s lives
a little bit better.
No, no, no. I-I’m not
saying that sounds silly.
I think it’s admirable.
I agree.
I’m just saying that sometimes
with all the work, that you can …
forget about the person
that matters the most.
Is this a nap pod
or a convo pod?
Oh, that’s right-
it’s a nap pod.
I know where you’re
going with this.
You think I’m some
30-year-old exec who’s devoted
her entire life to her career.
Right? And one day I’m gonna
wake up wanting more.
Stop me if I’m off base here.
Well, no …
What else does your
intuition tell you?
That, um, I can’t go
on Facebook anymore
because it’s nothing but
happy couples gloating
about their perfect little
babies in those tiny socks
that look like
goddamn sneakers?
Oh, yeah, yeah, the
little Chuck Taylors.
Only I’m ten years
too late, right?
Because while I’ve been working
so hard, I missed out
on all the bad dates
and the assholes, and now
I’m running out of time.
No one told me it was a
game of musical chairs.
And by the time I
figured it out,
you know, you can forget
it, it’s too late.
Anyway …
anyway … is that kind of what
you were gonna say to me?
Well, no, I was gonna suggest
that you work harder,
that you roll up your sleeves,
that you buckle down
and you get to work.
You can’t change the world when
you’re laying in a nap pod.
No, but honestly,
if any of what you
were just saying
applies even slightly to
yourself, you might want
to think about doing
something about it.
And that’s not me
preaching at you, That’s
coming from someone who,
when they wake up, the first
thing on their calendar
is regret.
Now, that’s not
a good feeling.
Anyway, I should go.
Thank you!
But before I go …
Ah, geez!
Just bear with me. I
want to throw down
a challenge for you
to go out to dinner
before I leave town.
I’ll let you know if a window opens up.
And if it does, don’t minimize it.
Don’t click that
little red “X”
in the corner.
See? I’m getting it.
I get it.
Shh. Go back to sleep.
♪ ♪
Hey, Chetty.
Pretty good effort on the, uh, Quidditch field yesterday,
It was a game throwing
balls, and you lost.
Yeah, but we really rallied
the second half, I think.
Uh, kind of a spiritual
victory for us.
Well, perhaps you’ll
land a spiritual job.
You know, Mr. McMahon, the admissions committee
was split on you, You
made it by one vote.
That deciding member thought
you showed promise.
It’s clear now
that … he was wrong.
Sometimes the long shots
pay off the biggest.
Enjoy your pudding.
I will.
Oh, and, Chetty?
Not for nothing,
can’t get me not to like you.
All right, guys, let’s
take this new team spirit,
and let’s apply it to this next
app challenge. We got this.
Yo, it’d help if we had
an idea for an app.
You bet your sweet ass
it would, Stewie. No.
Never Stewie.
Okay, you don’t like “Stewie.”
Perimeter breach
acknowledged, Stuart.
It’ll feel good when
this one warms up to me.
You know it’s gonna
happen, right?
I’ll break you down like
a two-by-four, bronco.
Watch me do it.
Okay, come on, guys,
let’s brainstorm this puppy.
We’re gonna put the
coffee in the pot,
and we’re gonna let it percolate.
Let’s go!
I think it’ll be
helpful to explore
what apps have been most
popular in the past.
Go backwards to go forwards.
Oh, and we can bin it, you know?
Fall out.
Uh, categorize needle-movers
by type of user.
You’re gonna do what?
There you go, Neha.
Hit it both by
function and by user.
The old two-prong. You’re on
the forest moon of Endor,
taking out the shield
generator, and you’re launching
an offensive with
Admiral Ackbar.
It’s not a trap.
All right, guys, I don’t want to
kill the momentum, or the mojo
that you have cooking, but to be fair with you,
needles and categories, they don’t use apps.
People use apps.
So I have an idea-
nowdays, people are
taking pictures, right?
They have their phones
now, They’re out.
Something catches their
eye, they want to take it.
But then the photo’s just
sitting there-what if they
take that photo and
put it out there on the line
and they share it
with their friends?
That’s Instagram.
It already exists.
It’s one of the most
popular apps in the world.
Facebook bought ‘em for, like, a billion dollars.
That’s “billion” with a “B.”
Oh, no, no. Mine is very
different than that.
Because, in mine, you’re taking
the photo instantaneously, 1865
01:03:32,676 --> 01:03:34,043
you’re putting the photo
out there on the line.
On the line and I’m
creating an exchange.
Yeah, that’s Instagram.
But mine’s more
of a social sharing on the
line that’s happening.
Online. Quick interjection.
When you keep saying “on the
line,” you do mean “online”?
Stuart, don’t do that. You
don’t do that to a man.
He’s got a million-dollar
idea right here.
Billion-dollar idea.
Even better. Let him flow.
Nick, I appreciate it.
You can’t bring me down.
I’m too positive. Come here, let
me share something with you.
Please, come. I’m gonna explain this
to you in a way that’s visual.
He’s bigger than you.
Be careful.
So, now you’re out
there, take a photo.
Just a pretend one. Go ahead.
01:04:06,844 --> 01:04:09,612
Online. Put it on Twitter, you put it on whatever you want.
That is Instagram.
That’s Instagram.
Hundred percent.
I get it. We’re hip.
We’re not dummies.
Point taken. Now let’s
go with my concept.
Now you’ve taken a
photo instantaneously,
or not instantaneously,
and then you take those
and you send those out
on the line.
You don’t have to say shit.
You don’t. You just say,
“I like that photo,” and
you share that photo
instantaneously on the line.
With your friends.
Now everyone’s exchanging ideas.
Everyone’s exchanging photos!
And that’s why the photos
that are being shared on the line …
Will be known as
Holy shitballs, Billy!
We don’t have time for this.
Hello, fellow interns!
Graham Hawtrey here.
I’ve taken the liberty
of attaching a link
to our app, which has
already been downloaded 230 times.
We’re gonna lose yet
another challenge,
we’re not gonna
get these jobs,
and our lives are
basically ruined.
Okay, hold on a sec.
Your life isn’t ruined.
You guys are 21 years old.
You have your whole
life in front of you.
Do you even know what it’s
like to be 21 right now?
I mean, a quarter of the kids
coming out of college
can’t even get jobs.
That’s a correct statistic.
Mother says
you can work hard and
go to the right school,
but nothing is
guaranteed anymore.
That’s life. Sorry.
These guys are right.
The whole American Dream thing
that you guys grew up on,
that’s all it is
nowdays-a dream.
You’re too young to
be this cynical.
Do you really see
the world this way?
That’s not how we see it.
It’s just … the way
things are now.
All right, that’s it.
Everybody up. Here we go.
Let’s do it.
Breath-of-fresh-air time.
Why? We have work to do.
No, no, no.
Uh-huh. Ah-ah!
Time to hit the reset button.
We’re taking it to the street.
We’re gonna get our heads
right, ‘cause we need
to come together as a team, ‘cause that’s not happening.
What about the app?
This is bigger than an app.
Okay, and by the way, we do have something
pretty terrific in our back
pocket with that Exchangeagram.
Just let it marinate.
Oh, we’re holding four aces.
Stop saying no before
you give it a chance.
Oh, yeah, that’s a winner.
Here we go.
Time to light it up forever
and never go to sleep.
Let’s go.
Can we talk about this
“online, on the line” thing?
Please? We’re gonna
follow the morons?
♪ Lookin’ at, lookin’
at, ♪ ♪ lookin’ at me ♪
♪ Look at that, look at how
♪ ♪ they lookin’ at me ♪
♪ Eyes all sticky ♪ ♪
like honey on bees ♪
♪ Yeah, uh, uh Look at that, ♪ ♪
look at how they lookin’ at me … ♪
Eh …
Oh, xièxie!
My friend here says there’s
a dance club down the street
that’s supposed to be great.
You’re shitting me.
No, I shit you not.
Come on, let’s hit it.
♪ Driving my car ♪ ♪
to a foreign place ♪
♪ Lookin’ at me, ♪ ♪ now
they know my face ♪
♪ We want it all now, ♪ ♪ we got it all ♪
♪ Yes, look at that, ♪ ♪ look
at how they lookin’ at ♪
♪ Look at how they lookin’ at, ♪ ♪
look at how they lookin’ at … ♪
♪ Roll that ♪
♪ Roll that ♪
♪ Roll that ♪
♪ Trust me, trust me ♪
♪ I’ll give you one night
♪ ♪ just to love me ♪
♪ Have your man
say, “Fuck me” ♪
♪ ‘Cause I beat ♪ ♪
that pussy up ugly ♪
♪ Ooh … ♪ ♪ We gamblin’ …
Are you sure he
said “dance club”?
You know, I was
rocking Mandarin,
he was rocking Cantonese-
something clearly got confused
in the middle, but I say, boom goes the dynamite.
Happy accident, right?
Show you to your table?
Great big world out
there, my friend.
Just three inches
up, I beg you.
Any questions?
Oh … wow.
Holy …
shit, that’s deep.
All right, I think that’s our cue.
Here we go.
Okay. Great.
Deal with it. Yes.
Come on! Wooh!
This is … this is good.
I mean, it’s totally cool.
It’s great.
You okay there, firecracker?
What? Yeah. Totally.
All right.
What? This … this is my jam.
I mean, this … this here is my shit.
No, look, I know
this is your shit, but
look, if you don’t
want to be here, I’ll
go grab those guys
by their little boners, and we’ll drag them,
we’ll all go back on the bus.
Yeah, we can …
No, no, no, don’t do that, don’t do that.
It’s just, um …
I’ve only read about
this stuff, okay?
Craigslist casual encounters.
Twilight fan fiction. Hentai.
What’s Hentai?
Japanese comic books
where the women
get penetrated by
octopus tentacles.
Oh. Ah.
it’s just …
I have imagined … everything.
It’s just I’ve … I’ve never done …
Hey, listen,
your secret’s safe with us.
And for what it’s worth,
your imagination is so wild,
reality’s gonna be a
breeze, if not a letdown.
Show you to your table, cutie?
♪ I’d rather lose it all ♪ ♪
than take it home without you ♪
♪ Roll that ♪
♪ Roll the dice. ♪
Get in here!
Let’s go! It’s about time
this group had a night.
Let the good times roll!
Bingo …! Here you go!
Bottoms up, Yo-Yo.
Oh, I-I can’t.
I can’t.
What? You’re 21, right?
Yeah, but my Mom says
alcohol numbs the brain.
Look, I’m not saying
a shot of Tequila’s
the first step on the
journey to self-respect,
but goddamn, maybe it’s a
step in the right direction.
Your call.
One shot.
Wooh! All right! That-a-boy!
One shot!
Bang it, Yo!
Let’s go, baby!
Yeah! That’s it, baby!
To the night you’ll
never remember!
♪ ♪
He’s getting down, people!
One more!
♪ ♪
Look what we got cooking here.
Exchangeagram moment, bitches!
Ready for your first
lap dance, Professor?
Are you kidding?
Yo-Yo stays ready.
That way, he doesn’t have
to get ready.
This is Tapioca.
She’s studying to be
a dental assistant.
It happens all the time.
Some would say it’s the point.
♪ ♪
It’s all good.
You might want to double up
on the underwear next time.
♪ Make that body work, ♪ ♪
make-make that body work … ♪
I got to tell you,
the reboot time is impressive.
Cheers, bud.
Hey, cheers. Cheers.
♪ Hot thing, hot thing, hot
thing ♪ ♪ What’s up with it? ♪
♪ Hot thing, hot thing
♪ What’s up with it? ♪
♪ What’s up with it? ♪ ♪ Shorty got
a body that jeans can’t hold ♪
♪ And she movin’ like she learn
♪ ♪ everything from the pole ♪
♪ And she love to party, ♪ ♪ number one hobby ♪
♪ Out till the morning, ♪
♪ better ask somebody ♪
♪ Yo, talk to the girl, ♪ ♪ don’t fool around ♪
♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Watch what happen to
you when she hear the sound ♪
♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Tell her shake it up, tell her hit the ground ♪
♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Gonna face time, see if she’s down … ♪
No way. H-Hi.
Is that your dance teacher
from back at Google?
Go talk to her.
Lyle Y-Yeah, for
shizzle, you know,
I just go up and I’m, like,
“Y-Yo, you want to join
the Lyle-High Club?”
You know, Lyle, sometimes
the most radical move
is just to be yourself.
And I really like the real Lyle.
Go on, you’re
burning daylight.
♪ ♪
Let’s do this.
Uh, hi.
Okay, good.
You were really good up there.
I mean, that was amaz … I …
Not in … not in, like, a sexual way.
Well, kind of in a sexual way.
It was … you’re very talented.
Everything you do is special,
is what I’m saying.
I’m-I’m just … I’m
so embarrassed.
What? You’re embar …
Are you kidding?
Now we’re even, because dancing
in your class at Google
was one of the most
moments of m’life.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I
don’t remember anything specifically awful.
Oh, poop. You don’t remem …
you don’t …
Well, then that means
we’re not even, and …
there’s only one very
unfortunate way to fix that.
Okay, yes, all right,
that is burned in my memory.
You can stop now.
How about I stop …
if and only if …
I can buy you a drink?
I would love that.
Yes. Shots.
♪ I can fuck you ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I can fuck you ♪
♪ Better, better, ♪
♪ better, better ♪
♪ Better, better ♪
♪ I can fuck you ♪
♪ Hey, I heard ♪ ♪ you
were a wild one ♪
♪ Wild one, wild one, ooh ♪
♪ Oh, I-I like crazy, ♪ ♪ foolish, stupid ♪
♪ Party going wild, ♪ ♪
fist-pumping music … ♪
I love teaching at Google,
but it’s only part-time, and it doesn’t cover
my tuition, so I augment.
No, don’t augment, You look perfect
the way you are.
Could I get a dance?
Not now.
Look, bitch, I don’t know
who you think this geek is,
but I spend a shitload
of dinerin this place
and I expect to nut.
Yeah, I know, I’m totally
a geek, Biff Tannen. Huh?
Who’s Biff Tannen?
You’re, um, Biff from Back
to the Future, right?
You want to take this outside?
No, I think I’d rather
stay here and talk
to the pretty girl.
Yeah, well, let’s rock, not talk.
Hey, man …
Stop it.
Hey, is there a problem here?
It looks like somebody needs
their two way older brothers
to fight for them, huh?
Oh, and it’s the
United Colors of Nerd.
Do all you guys work together?
I’m gonna out on a limb and
say it’s a tech company.
Free cereal and ugly people?
Oh, whoa! Hey!
Come on, take it easy.
Is this the Jets and the Sharks?
So why don’t you
guys head that way,
we’ll head this way, and
never the twain shall meet.
Have a great night.
That’s a good idea.
My mother hits harder than you!
Yeah! Down goes Frazier! Wooh!
What’s up! Oh, shit!
See you again! I’ll kill you!
Hide your kids!
Hide your wife!
That’s how you party!
♪ ♪
We’re too hot to party-
that’s why they got
to kick us out.
‘Cause they’re gonna call
the fire department.
Why don’t you bring
it outside to party?
No more fun. Come on.
Look at that view.
Come on, you’re not
gonna see that
on your little
four-inch screen.
You got to look up.
Stuart Yeah.
Okay, buddy, you were an
animal out there tonight.
Right. No, you were.
Did you have a good time?
Yeah, it was all right.
“It was all right.”
Why do you do that?
What do you mean? Do what?
Lowball me like that.
Come on, I’m not
gonna take away your
“cool guy” card if you
admit you give a shit
about something or, God
forbid, you had a great time.
Um …
all right, it was fun.
Stewie …
Come on.
All right, what? What
do you want me to say,
it was the best
night of my life?
Only if it’s true.
All right, it was the
best night of my life.
My Noogler!
Come here!
My Noogler.
Wow, I don’t believe there
hasn’t been one boyfriend
along the way.
That’s embarrassing.
Well, it’s nothing to
be embarrassed of.
You got plenty of
time for that.
I mean, you’re the
whole package.
You’re beautiful,
you’re smart, you
got great teeth.
You do.
Unbelievable chompers on
the old girl, I mean it.
For sure. And, uh …
terrific shoes-I’m
always excited
to see what kind of getup
you’re gonna throw together.
That part’s true.
Well, it is true.
A lot of great things going.
Some guy’s gonna find
himself very lucky
to be next to you.
Yeah, I’m not so sure.
Well, I am. And I’ve been
around a little bit.
I’m positive.
♪ ♪
♪ Hot thing, hot thing ♪
♪ Hot thing, ♪ ♪ what
up with it, hot thing ♪
♪ What up with it, ♪ ♪ hot thing …
Lyle! ♪
Looks like you hit it off
with Saffron tonight.
I’m texting her
that I love her,
and I’m sending her this
picture I just took
of little Lyle when he
made pee in the bushes.
Look, he’s winking.
No, Lyle, Lyle, Lyle,
that’s a horrible idea.
Please don’t do that.
You’re drunk off your ass.
I appreciate your concern,
but I’m flying, baby.
Okay, Lyle, you’re not flying.
What’s 17 squared?
289. Why?
Give me a harder
question than that.
You know where I’m
driving with this.
Try, uh, maybe
square root of 17.
Like, 4.23, maybe?
That’s the app.
That’s the app we
should do right there.
Some quiz question you got to answer
before you can send a drunk text
or a drunk e-mail or phone call,
something to protect
you from yourself.
That’s good. Can we do that?
Hells, yeah, we could do that.
Are you shitting me?
I could program the
shit out of that bitch
on the bus ride home.
Well, I’ll take that
as an overwhelming yes, then!
Come on! Let’s roll!
Let’s get back to HQ!
Hey, wait, wait.
Let’s-let’s stay, like, five minutes, you know?
Just enjoy the view
a little more.
All right.
Wow. Yeah.
♪ ♪
Oh, the whole world looks like
a giant pinwheel of
death right now.
Price of making
memories, Stewie.
I think my liver hurts.
Astonishingly, your app
received ten times
more downloads
than any other team’s.
It appears that you have won
your first challenge.
How about it?
Congratulations. Oh, yeah!
Come on, baby.
The lead!
Oh, easy there, big guy.
He gets overexcited.
Let it out.
Let it out, little feller.
♪ ♪
That’s what I’m talking about.
Right there!
Yeah! Right there!
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪ ♪ All right!
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ She’s coming home to me ♪
♪ Because I said ♪
♪ “I’m lonely, ♪ ♪
darling, please” ♪
♪ But instead of waiting … ♪
You got it, you got
it, you got it,
you got it, you got it.
Keep going. Come on.
Come on, Neha.
You got it, you got it.
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Whoa, oh-oh … ♪
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh … ♪
Logan, I’d have Jean …
Our Professor X was way
meaner than this guy.
You’re not kidding.
It wasn’t funny at the time.
♪ Whoa, oh-oh ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh … ♪
So, you see, what
I’m doing right now
is I’m supercharging my
CSS and HTML skills,
‘cause you can do them
both simultaneously.
HTML5, right?
That’s one step beyond the HTML5
that they mentioned the other day
with the CSS3, remember?
Guys, when it comes
to writing code,
you’ve got your choice
of a number of editors.
Editors such as
Emacs, nano and vi …
What? What does that mean?
Have features like
syntax highlighting
and syntax specific
Any questions?
It occurred to me, why not
use Emacs rather than vi
as the default
editor for Ubuntu?
That’s actually … a very
good thought, Nick.
Thank you.
Vi versus Emacs is
a constant debate.
Moving on …
Let’s talk integrated
personal development.
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪ ♪ Oh, I love you
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪ ♪ Oh, I love you.
What, did you forget an insult?
Billy, you magnificent
son of a bitch.
How’s unemployment? Listen.
I want you two to
come work for me.
Sammy, my boy, I
thought you retired.
I did, Nicky, I did, but I have stumbled
onto King Solomon’s
Mines, my friends.
Two words: Motorized scooters.
Head down to Modesto.
Start checking out
the old-age homes.
Ah, Sammy, we already
have the gig here.
Whoa, whoa, we-we-we …
we got a new gig.
Yeah, we’re interns at Google.
Interns at Google?
Who are you kidding?
You’re salesmen.
This is a sales gig.
It’s a job.
Sammy, we’ve had lots of jobs.
We’re trying to build
a future here.
And I’m trying to
get hard on my own,
but the Cialis is a guarantee.
You finish up with
this “internship,”
who knows what’s
going to happen?
Exactly. Who knows
what’s going to happen?
That’s what I’m saying.
Why are you repeating
what I’m saying?
Shh. Time for baby to go night-night.
No. What? You’re … Billy, you’re cutting out. Shh …
That felt great.
You know what? I’ll catch
up with you later, okay?
All right. I’ll
see you in a bit.
You know, if this is
being a workaholic,
maybe I should get a glass.
I have 15 minutes until
my next meeting.
Okay, well, here’s the thing.
You know how we were talking
about regret and …
I remember you talking
about regret.
Well, I don’t want to add
“not asking you
out” to that list,
because that credit
card is maxed out.
Okay, so can we establish
you are, in fact, asking
me out on a date?
Yes. And I figure that I’m
such a Mountain of mistakes
that going out with me
just once this evening
will be like packing ten years
of bad experiences into, you know, one night.
Okay. Fine.
I’m saying yes.
Great. Great. Okay.
I’m in.
All right. Yeah.
Well, I’ll leave you to it.
Okay. Tonight. Yes.
Good. Okay.
Hello, William.
I’ve been watching you.
You should choose your words
a little more carefully
in a bathhouse.
In the words of Nelly …
“It’s getting hot in herre.”
It’s getting hot out there, too.
You definitely got
my attention.
All right … I’m feeling like I
want to go put my robe on now.
Enough to do a little
research on you.
What did we find out?
Let’s see.
Your, uh … your
company was shut down.
Your home was foreclosed upon.
Your credit score is
actually negative.
That’s kind of amazing, Billy.
That’s hard to do.
You try hard, McMahon.
I’ll give you that.
But things never quite
work out for you, do they?
So, I could waste my
energy trying to beat you,
but it seems, given enough time, you always find a way to fail.
I just need to get
out of your way.
So this is me going.
Only two challenges remain,
after which a mere
handful of you
will be offered
full-time employment.
Now, the next challenge is
Manning the Google helpline.
This is one of the most
difficult jobs we have-
combining both
customer relations
and product fluency.
You will be judged on both.
This is a very tight
race right now.
I suggest you study up.
All right. Let’s drill
it and kill it.
Authorization failure
with Google Drive. Neha.
Permission’s probably changed.
Request document access.
Chrome connectivity issue.
Unselect proxy
server for your LAN.
Billy, I’m locked out of
my Google Wallet account.
Is that under Gmail
or Wallet Help?
“Uh, I don’t know, sir.
That’s kind of what I called you for.”
Here’s the deal. I’m pretty
terrific on the phones.
I could sell prosciutto
to a rabbi, and I have.
Except you’re not here
to sell anything.
Yeah, Billy, you’re
not going to be able
to bullshit your way
through this one.
I mean, the only way to nail
this challenge is to study.
You just … you just
got to do it, man.
Well, great. Then study up
is what I’m going to do.
I’m going to study up.
Let me ask you, is there, like, as a General rule,
like, a blanket statement
I could say that could apply
to literally anything?
And then I’m either
going to shove
product down their face, right,
or I’m going to give
them another hotline?
What you are exactly
is tech support.
So, if you referred
them to another
phone number, what would happen
is that your phone
would ring again,
‘cause you’d be the number
that they were referring to.
What I’m suggesting is
give me the blanket thing
where I’m not necessarily wrong, I’m not necessarily right,
and then I’ll either hit
them with another helpline,
a real helpline, or I’ll
push some product on them.
You want me to shove some
product down their throat?
‘Cause I’ll do it.
Full disclosure:
I think you’re working
harder than you have to.
All you have to do is click
the button and read.
I got it.
Bam. Done. Read it.
I got it. I’ll do it.
That’s my man, Bill.
All right.
It’s going to be fine.
You’ll get it.
How’s everybody else doing?
Yeah, I’m good. Okay.
Nick Is it just me,
or is this food
incredible, right?
You’re a liar.
What do you mean?
You were supposed
to be an asshole.
Come on.
You were supposed to
pack a decade worth
of jerks and bad dates
into one night.
All right, now I remember. Yes.
But so far,
you’ve been … totally fine.
Totally fine?
No, I have dropped the ball.
I did promise that, and
I haven’t delivered.
You know what? Can we
get the check, please?
May we get the check when
you get a chance, Jennifer?
How’d you know my …?
Well, it says right here
on this little necklace.
And now that I got the name, how about the number?
Ah … I’m just kidding.
Or maybe I’m not kidding.
You’re so cute.
So beautiful. Wow.
Did you just hit
on the waitress?
I did. Yes, yes.
The lady asked for a jerk,
and I am trying to
live up to my promise.
I said ten years of assholes,
so, you know, you got
some ground to cover.
You know what? I think
you’ve had enough dessert.
I’ve been watching
you eat all night.
Okay, let me take care of this,
because you’ve got to
watch your figure.
And you’re right
on the borderline.
You know what they say:
“A moment on the lips, forever on the hips,” right?
Mmm, this is divine.
Oh, you do not know
what you are missing.
It’s incredible.
That’s nice. That’s nice.
But here’s something you
aren’t missing-this check.
Because I got the
cab, so there you go.
Wow, a little heart
and everything.
Huh. Now, why don’t
you take care of that?
Because the night
is still young.
I’m taking you to see
some dogfighting.
Yes, I am.
Rock and roll. I think
we’re up to five years.
All right.
Oh … yeah, let me get this.
Oh, that’s a … that’s amazing.
Okay …
“In Gmail, a ‘bad request’
message shows if …”
Shows if …
“Your Internet is down.”
Son of a bitch.
It shows …
Jesus Christ!
You scared the shit out of me!
If your browser has a
bad or outdated cookie.
Wait, you could … with …?
I … I can hear everything.
I’m … I’m not actually
listening to anything.
This allows me to
be with myself.
I’m not very good
with other humans.
Well, I’m not very good
with Gmail Support.
No, actually,
you’re quite horrible.
You can do this.
This can be learned.
But those kids,
the way that they look at you-
you have a way with people.
That’s a lost art.
Go again. Go again.
“In Chrome …”
For you, this is like
teaching a little kid
the alphabet, right?
No, actually, it’s like
teaching a kid a letter.
Just one letter.
Yeah, you’re not … you’re not …
your strong point
would not be
communicating to humans.
I know.
All right, that was my guy.
All right.
Give it to me straight.
I like it.
No chaser.
We’re having fun.
I am. I hope you are.
♪ ♪
Well, thank you.
That was, uh, really awful.
Oh, you’re welcome.
I aim to please.
I told you I was
going to deliver
on ten years of assholes,
and I think I did a
pretty good job.
It was almost a little bit
too convincing at times.
Was it?
That doesn’t surprise me.
When you’ve been out there
running and gunning for
as long as I have,
you learn to play the game.
Oh. I’d be out there
laying my rap.
I’d have girls
literally thinking
I was an astronomer.
I’d be pointing out
and harvest moons.
“Oh, there’s Pluto
over there.”
And then they’d start
to fact-check you
with the Internet.
You know, Google
has singlehandedly
cut into my ability
to bullshit.
Cramping your style?
Making you a better person?
True. 90% Google …
ten percent you.
Just ten percent? Really?
Let’s call it 20%.
Come on.
You know, I, um …
I really didn’t
expect to like you.
I didn’t think you’d
like me, either.
Thank you.
That was my ride home.
I know.
Good morning.
Welcome to the Google helpline.
You will man the phones
for exactly one hour.
Now, before you begin …
I’m so ready for this thing.
I was up all last
night studying.
This is where Team
Lyle takes the lead.
Icon, accessing your account
so that we can review
your work later.
The helpline … is open now.
Google helpline.
My name’s Billy.
How can I help you?
Google helpline. This is Nick.
Great, so you’re saying that
you’re locked out of your Gmail.
Hello to you.
Well, the good news
is Uncle Bill here
happens to keep a
key under the mat.
But I’m going to
play a hunch here.
Delete all your cookies.
Did that work?
Great. Glad I could help.
Yeah, what it is, is
you probably just have
too many Gmails open
at the same time.
You want to try to go
ahead and close a couple
of those down and see
if that does the …?
Okay, great. Thank
you so much.
Call with anything else.
This is Neha.
How can I help you?
It’s not a problem.
You’re going to click
on the gear icon,
then settings, then
advanced settings.
Yeah, you can actually
have the same tabs open
across all your devices.
So the browser windows
keep on opening,
and then you’re telling me
that that’s from Amazon?
Your computer’s got malware.
Use an antivirus software.
But here’s what I want to do. I
want to help you clear that up
before the wife gets home.
Am I making sense?
Okay, you’re going to want
to sign in to Google Wallet.
Update your credit
card expiration date.
That’s the problem.
Well, the calendar
sync issue pops up when
you switch time zones.
Are you on vacation?
Miami. Very nice.
Well, let’s get your
browser cache cleared up,
and then I’m going to talk you
through the best Cuban
spots in town there.
Google helpline. This is Graham.
How can I help you?
Okay, your device probably isn’t
compatible with Google Play.
And I want to have you out there
salsa-ing, sweating and grinding
up against a complete stranger
that you don’t even know,
having a pretty good time
doing some wrong things.
Are we on the same page?
Okay, see that box at the
bottom of your window?
Click that twice for me.
♪ Come on, baby, let me ♪ ♪
hear you do that conga ♪
♪ You know you can’t ♪
♪ control any longer ♪
Time’s up.
So soon? Man, I was just
getting warmed up here.
Good going here.
Is smoke coming off this thing?
Come on, Ladybug.
Please submit your log
files so that I may review
your work later. All right.
Happily. Just click
the Blue button.
Where’s that at?
Click the Blue
button, upper left.
Mine’s not Blue. Mine’s gray.
Up in the corner. It’s not …
I can’t click it.
What? No, no, the Blue one.
Mine wasn’t clicking.
Mine’s gray.
Is anyone else’s gray?
Did you not hear my
opening remarks?
Yeah, no, I heard most
of your opening remarks.
It’s just, I was … I was
getting in the zone.
I was pre-gaming it.
I was very clear
that you had to log
into your account
so that I could review
your work later.
Well, the good news
is that you reviewed
my work now.
You-you don’t need
the instant replay
because you saw the
touchdown live, in person.
I don’t really
understand that analogy,
but I do know that
attention to detail
is of Paramount importance here
and my instructions
were explicit.
Now, if there’s no recording,
then it’s as if you didn’t
even show up today.
Except I did show up.
I’m-I’m sitting
right here, Chetty.
Well, according to
your log, you’re not.
And since every intern must
complete the challenge
in order for your
team to be scored …
your team
will unfortunately
receive a score of zero.
Well done, Mr. McMahon.
Perhaps more studying, less pudding.
Chetty, come on.
You’re not going to trip
us with a technicality.
He’s right here.
Oh, Billy, Billy, Billy, what have you done?
It’s you lot I feel bad for.
It’s really hard to get here.
Some of you are probably
pretty intelligent.
You deserve better.
I’m sorry.
It’s all right, El Niño.
We’ll get ‘em.
I studied for the test.
I studied for …
Well, that’s great.
That’s another win
for Team Graham.
There’s only one challenge left.
Even if we’re perfect, it won’t be enough.
We had ‘em, too.
We did, but, you
know, it’s just
a little hiccup, a little
adversity, all right?
No, Nick, come on.
Face it. Look, Billy’s a great guy
and everything, but he kind
of blew it for us today.
Yeah, I know … The
kids are right, Nick.
I just wanted to …
come by and let you guys know
that I … I did
study last night.
I tried my best.
It’s just, uh, you know, today on the phones,
I just … it’s my fault.
And, uh …
He was right when he said
that you guys deserve better.
I’m really sorry
that I cost you.
Billy, would you stop?
Let me go, Nick. I’m not
helping anybody here.
What do you mean, you’re
not helping anybody?
You’re helping those kids.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
What, you’re going to
go radio silence on me?
Come on, I’m not
going to let you
ride away from the
Garden of Eden.
I let down the team, Nick.
You didn’t let down the team.
And who cares if you
made a mistake?
Nick, I’m not taking
everyone down with me.
Billy, let me turn these
high beams on you.
Give me a chance to turn you
with a sports metaphor.
Damn it, Nick,
it’s the best thing
for everybody!
Stop dragging me down with
all your horseshit, man.
You’re doing great here, okay?
I’m not. I got it.
Just get off my back.
How dare you. How dare you.
Shame on you!
Put this badge back on!
If you’re going to quit, quit,
but don’t give me this crap
about it’s better for the team.
Come on, Billy.
So, I-I’m, uh, Billy McMahon.
Sammy sent me down here.
I’m the new salesman.
Well, no shit.
My new partner.
Ladies and gentlemen, it has been
an impressive summer.
And one final challenge remains.
Over a million companies
advertise with Google.
Find one that doesn’t.
Convince them.
The bigger the sale,
the more chance you have of
taking this competition.
The winner will be announced
at our final meeting
this afternoon.
Good luck.
Happy hunting!
On me.
Sales, son!
Man, those other bitches
are going down!
Wait, where’s Billy?
He left.
You heard him.
He thought he was
holding us back,
and he didn’t want to talk
about it, that’s for sure.
We got to get him back.
She’s right, we’re all a team-
that’s what you guys taught us.
I mean, it might
have been buried
under, like, a Mountain of
obscure ‘80s references
and just, you know, a ton
of other super
inappropriate bullshit
that I guess was intended
as life lessons,
but, I mean, you did teach us
how to come together, Nick.
You taught us that.
The problem is, when he makes up
his mind on something, ol’ Billy has a tendency
to really dig in.
We might have to get ready
to do this one without him.
Yeah, but, Nick, we
wouldn’t want to.
Right, guys?
Hey, Tony!
Slow it down, man.
I’m just kidding.
How long you been
working this territory?
Three years.
It’s great, though, you know.
You get to build a relationship
with the customer.
And then they die.
Suddenly you’re reselling
scooters with 25, 35
miles on them, tops.
Everybody wins.
Hey, hey!
Look who’s back!
Hey, Randy!
Randy! How are you?
How’s it going, old-timer?
Hey, Randy.
What do you want?
Treat them like shit.
Only makes them want you more.
Hey, everybody! Listen up!
This is my new tail gunner, Billy.
Billy, why don’t you tell
them about that, uh,
sweet ride you
just pulled up on?
Oh, you mean the, uh, brand-new X-70.
It’s got an eight-hour motor.
And it’s got a rear-mounted
stainless sleeve
for your oxy tank.
You have no idea
how much boning
goes on in this place.
It’s amazing.
Check this one out.
Ethel. That’s her name.
She calls my junk
“the cocoon.”

Says it makes her
feel younger.
Actually lowered her
blood pressure.
I’m not fighting it.
I’m a life-giver
and a lovemaker.
Ethel! Ethel!
What’s up, girl?!
Look who’s back!
Come here, boo.
Oh …
Who’s your friend?
Well, hello there.
What the hell are
you doing here?
What the hell are
you doing here?
Ethel and, uh, Doris here
tell me they’re up for
a little group play.
Can I count you in?
What the shit?
Uh, I’m sorry, Randy.
This is my old partner.
This is Nick.
Nick, this is … this
is my new partner.
This is Randy.
Welcome to the jungle, ese.
What do you say, Billy?
Can I count you in?
Mind giving me just
a second here?
No problem.
What the hell are you doing?
New partner, huh?
I’m a salesman, Nick, I sell things.
Yeah, I remember another guy
who was selling some things,
plying the mattress trade, when in walks this behemoth-
big guy, big mouth, big dream-
and he made this old
son of a gun remember
there’s still some dreams
floating around out there.
It’s not too late.
You just got to reach
out and grab them.
Damn it, Nick, I
reached for my dreams.
Why don’t you just
leave it alone?
I messed it up for everybody.
You forgot to click a button!
You’re not a computer wizard.
All right?
You’re also not a pussy.
You’re tough. You
grew up in the ‘70s.
Remember what that was like?
There weren’t any computers.
Just like we didn’t
have bike helmets
or sunscreens or seat belts.
Did you wear a seat belt?
What was your seat belt?
My Mom would go like this.
Yeah. It was your Mom
going like that.
And how’d that work out?
You know, I went through
the windshield.
89 stitches.
Made you look like
a little bad-ass
all of third grade.
And were you afraid to get
back in that station wagon?
Nah. Five years later,
you took out that very same car
without permission from nobody.
Not your parents, not Old Man Law.
It was just you and Sally
Moran parked at the point,
finger-blasting away.
Didn’t even know if you
were doing it right.
Nick, wh-where you
going with this thing?
I’m saying life is
that station wagon.
All right?
And yeah, sometimes it’s gonna
throw you through
the windshield,
crack your skull wide open, maybe even break your heart.
But every once in a while,
it’s gonna drop a Sally
Moran in your backseat.
Now, we came to Google
for a reason, right?
I can’t promise
we’re gonna win,
but we’re going back there,
and we’re gonna see those kids, and we’re gonna see it through.
You get your ass
back in that car,
and you ride.
You hear me, Billy
Bojangles McMahon?
“Contextual targeting
“technology can
“automatically match, um, your ads to.
“Web pages, uh,
that are most relevant
to your business.”
“Review ad performance
 “to see impressions, Mmm.
Click, cost and
conversion data.”
Look, you seem like good kids,
and I appreciate
you stopping by,
but we’re just a
family-run business.
We don’t do the Internet.
Thanks for coming.
Frankie will get you a
slice on the way out.
Oi, oi.
Oh, great.
This guy.
Saw you checked in
here on Foursquare.
Thought we’d stop by.
That’s really creepy.
Is that all?
It is all, actually.
We just closed a sale
at a coffee shop
down the street.
Your chances of
catching up to us
just went from
zero to piss-all.
Now, if you’ll excuse us,
we’ve got to get to
the final meeting.
Get these jobs of which we’re
so profoundly deserving.
Eyes off the pizza, mate.
God made you lactose-intolerant
for a reason, yeah?
You’re so fat.
You’re so fat.
Let’s go!
All right, on me!
What a douche!
Welcome back, Billy boy.
Good to be with you.
What happened there?
Uh, well, he didn’t bite, so it did not go well.
You know who else it
didn’t go well for?
Lay it on us, big Daddy.
That’s right,
the little steel town girl Alex.
When she finally got
her shot in front of
all those stuffed shirts, she took a tumble and fell.
You want to hear
something totally nuts?
She picked herself back up, she
tightened that little ass,
and she pumped her legs, and she danced herself
right back into their hearts
and into a slot at
that dance school.
And that’s what
we’re gonna do.
Tighten your asses. Let’s go.
Get her done, boys.
Listen, guys, we’ve always
done things the same way:
Yellow Pages, flyers, San Jose Mercury News.
Now, look, we’re all
creatures of habit, am I right, Sal?
I mean, we all
like what we know.
There’s no question about it.
But you know what the
scariest thing in life is?
The thing in life
that frightens us the most?
Yeah. And by the way, I think
most people are guilty of
getting set in their ways.
I know I need change
to come along
and give me a little kick in
the ass to get me moving.
All right, listen, guys, I
know where you’re going.
But I’m not gonna
change anything.
Like I already told your
friends, we’re getting by okay.
Sal, with all due respect, if
you fight for your limitations,
you get to keep them.
Do you hear yourself?
You’re getting by okay.
“Okay”? I mean, Jesus!
“Okay” isn’t good.
I mean, “okay” isn’t great.
I’m starting to think
this guy’s selfish.
“Okay” isn’t fantastic!
Look, I don’t want to
get sideways with you.
You’re as big as a barn.
He looks like he
was carved out
of a damn Mountain, for God’s sakes.
But you’re an artist, okay?
This is great pizza!
Picasso with pepperoni!
And, hey, stop it, do not even
get me started on the sauce.
I mean, is there
nutmeg in there?
So look-it, I can
respect the fact that you
don’t want to divulge,
but if I’m right, don’t say anything.
There’s your answer!
There’s your answer!
Sal, come on.
All I’m saying is, why should
Papa John’s make all the dough,
when Papa Sal’s got
the better sauce?
You know what?
Now you’re starting
to sound like him.
He wants to open up a
Sal’s in Los Gatos.
The bigger chains
are killing us.
We’re barely staying afloat.
When you franchise, you lose quality.
You lose the taste
that people trust.
You want to know why
my sauce is better?
I’ll tell you why.
 ‘Cause I go down to the
farmers’ market every day,
I buy them tomatoes myself.
I walk down the street, I
get the basil, the oregano.
Look, guys, I know these people.
I’m part of the fabric
of this neighborhood.
That’s good enough for me.
Sal, that’s better
than good enough.
That’s the best.
And we’re not suggesting
that you abandon the
neighborhood here.
All we’re saying is,
what if your neighborhood
got a little bit bigger?
Take a look at this, Sal.
These are all just people
that love your pizza.
Talk about word of mouth, huh?
Yeah, they’re talking
about you, Sal, Don’t you
want to talk back to them?
Did you know there are
almost as many people
from Los Gatos
searching for Sal’s as
there are from Palo Alto?
Yeah, and they pop in
when they’re in town, but if there was
a location closer to them, they’d be regulars, right?
Boom. Check it out right here.
I found a great commercial spot
right on Los Gatos Boulevard.
Just hit the market.
That’s 0.3 miles away
from the nearest
farmers’ market.
You can smell them tomatoes
from your front door.
Farm to table.
F to T, baby!
Come on.
F to T!
F to T is exactly
right, Gomer Lyle!
We’re not asking you to
abandon the artistry.
We’re just telling you expand
the reach a little bit.
But look-it, Sal, at
the end of the day,
the kids, they got
their computers,
they got their information.
It’s all accurate.
I get it, and I
know you do, too.
I tell you, Sal,
I can’t blame you for
being a little afraid.
Hell, we were scared for
a long time out there,
grinding it out with
our heads down.
And Lord knows I’ve fallen
on my ass more than
a time or two.
But I promise you something.
You lift your head up …
and take a breath,
there’s a lot of great
possibilities out there.
New customers,
new franchise-and that’s just
the tip of the iceberg, Sal.
It’s all waiting at the
click of a button.
Everybody’s searching
for something, Sal.
They’re searching for you.
We just want to
help them find you.
TGIF, Nooglers!
All right!
Easy, easy.
It’s okay, it’s okay.

Now, today marks not only
the end of the week,
but the end of the
summer’s internships.
I know.
As you can see through
these images behind me,
it’s been quite a journey.
Lot of memories,
lot of bonds were made.
Kind of reminds me
of the first time
I owned a personal …
All right.
Today, we reveal the intern team
that will be awarded jobs here.
Sadly, one team
has not returned from
their final challenge,
so, therefore, I’m forced
to calculate the results
with their score
as an incomplete.
We have a Victor.
Congratulations …
No way!
What’s that?
What’s going on?
♪ What a feeling ♪
♪ I am music now ♪
♪ Being’s believing ♪
Okay, calm down. Come on.
♪ Pictures come alive ♪
♪ You can dance ♪ ♪ right
through your life ♪
♪ Take your passion ♪
♪ And make it happen ♪
♪ Pictures come alive ♪
♪ You can dance ♪ ♪ right
through your life ♪
Yes, yes, yes, yes! Yes!
♪ What a feeling.
♪ What a feeling ♪
Come on!
♪ Pictures come alive ♪
♪ You can dance … ♪
Extra toppings on
this one, boss.
I see that.
♪ What a feeling ♪
♪ I can really have it all ♪
♪ What a feeling … ♪
That’s enough!
Yes, lovely theatrics,
but the jig is up.
It’s too late.
Rules are rules, right, Chetty?
Yes. Rules are rules.
And the rules state that
every team has the right
until the announcement is
made to turn in their sales.
So, in spite of Yes!
Your lack of punctuality, which is astounding,
I have no choice …
but to accept this submission
and to recalculate.
Go ahead.
One sale to a small
family pizza joint’s
not gonna make a
difference anyway.
It does seem that Mr. Hawtrey
is correct once again.
The sales from one shop
on the last challenge are not
enough to put you in the lead.
I’m sorry, bud.
But …
this is not one shop.
You see,
this … is a
blossoming franchise
with endless possibilities, thanks to you.
And what you have done as a team
is connect to people
and connect those
people to information.
Which is what we do.
And more than that,
you had the courage to dream.
In spite of your obvious
and astonishing limitations,
you never gave up on that dream.
So …
gentlemen …
and lady …
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on.
Chetty, no offense, you’re
a glorified babysitter.
Let’s get somebody down here
who actually means something.
I’m right here.
Graham, please
meet Mr. Anderson.
You know this guy?
I should think I do.
Andrew here is the
head of Search-
a rather important
position here at Google.
Honest, it’s an honor.
Look at you, Headphones.
A little mystery
behind the boy.
What? How-how do you know him?
We were encouraged to reach
out to experienced Googlers.
Pretty simple. Not
a big mystery.
To reach out to other Googlers, not just kiss their asses.
You see, these interns are
smart, collaborative, pretty …
Thank you.
And just weird enough
to make them interesting.
Also, they came
together as a team
to do something here.
Their Googliness is
truly off the charts.
Oh, my God, can you stop
with the “Googliness”?
Like, what does
that even mean?
The fact that you don’t
know what it means
is why you will never work here.
Also, you just made me
use a bunch of words
in front of a ton of people.
Look at me.
You’re a real dick
for doing that.
Look at me again.
And I know your
accent is bullshit.
So …
welcome to Google.
Yes! Yes!
I have a job! I have a job!
Hey, why are you getting up?
I should be the winner.
I should be the winner!
Well, I hope you’re all happy.
What were you thinking?
Maybe if I had a team of equals
who contributed once in a while,
this never would
have happened.
What about you? What do you
have to say for yourself, eh?
I think it’s time
to fake an injury.
What are you talking
about, you fat …
Man down!
Chetty, I appreciate what
you said back there.
I know you had us figured
wrong from the beginning.
He voted for you
from the beginning.
Mr. Chetty was the deciding
vote on the intern committee.
I didn’t have a
fancy education
like most of the people here.
I had to work hard to
get to where I am.
And I recognized a
similar tenacity
in you two gentlemen, so
I took a chance on you.
You did test my
faith a few times.
Basically, the entire time.
But I’m glad you
proved me right.
Chetty, thanks for
betting on us.
Good to see you.
So it looks like
you’re gonna be seeing
a lot more of me around here.
So it does.
Thank you.
Look, the other night …
It was fun.
Yeah, it was fun.
No regrets.
All right, let’s get to
that warm, fuzzy part.
Um, that’s not
going to happen.
God, I love him even more.
He leaves it cold like that.
You know what I mean?
You keep playing hard to get,
you’re gonna find
yourself all alone.
We’re not gonna have
a beer together.
We’re gonna have
about five of them.
We’re equals now, my friend.
No, we’re not.
Yes, we are.
No, we’re not.
Let’s go pick out
some other interns and shape
some diamonds in the rough.
Please stop following me.
Please stop talking to me.
We’re gonna get drunk.
Have a great senior year, guys.
We’ll keep your desk
chairs warm for you.
Team Lyle.
Team Lyle!
That’s the spirit.
Yo-Yo! Come. Now.
Mom, I need a minute.
Yo-Yo, I not go. We need to …
I’m saying good-bye
to my friends.
I’m taking a minute.
Look who grew an
eyebrow, Yo-Yo!
Come on!
All right, you riffraff, get out of here.
See you down the road.
See you guys.
See you, bud.
Thank you, Captain.
Thank you, Big B.
Bye, guys.
My Khaleesi.
My sun and stars.
What do you say? You want to
go get weird in a nap pod?
So, um, don’t be a stranger.
Shoot me a text sometime.
Forget that.
I’m gonna come see
you in person.
Yeah, I’d like that.
Hey, guys, I grew
a pair of balls.
Did you see them?
You did!
You grew a big pair of balls, my man.
It was amazing.
They’re touching my ankles.
Well, that … we
don’t need that.
Hey, congratulations, guys.
Thank you, boss.
Thank you, boss.
You know, I did get you
a little something.
Not to get too sentimental …
Whoa! Whoa!
Look at this high roller.
Busting out the Pappy on me.
I figured we earned a swig.
Hell of a summer, bud.
Hell of a summer.
♪ Doo wacko ♪
♪ Here’s to you, honey ♪
♪ But I’m out of your league ♪
♪ You’re never gonna pass me ♪
♪ ‘Cause I’m out ♪
♪ of your league ♪
♪ Your league, your league ♪
♪ Lookie here, baby ♪
♪ You’re coming my way ♪
♪ But I move like
a landslide ♪
♪ So get out of my way
♪ ♪ and stay away ♪
♪ Up from the floor ♪ ♪
on the count of ten ♪
♪ Oh, you get up, you get down
♪ ♪ and you try it again ♪
♪ Up and down ♪ ♪ and around again … ♪
Listen, Professor …
♪ All right ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ow! ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Time to learn a lesson ♪
♪ Like Pavlov’s dog ♪
♪ If same-ing isn’t working ♪
♪ Why don’t you different ♪ ♪
instead, instead, instead? ♪
♪ Like Samson and Delilah ♪
♪ Attila and the Huns … ♪
Buddy, they can’t see us, okay?
I understand that, but here we go.
Go cheek to cheek.
Just go like I tell you.
Okay, don’t interrupt me.
Put your cheek next to mine.
Yeah, I get it. You got us?
Hi, my name is Billy.
Yeah, Nick Campbell.
Oh, good.
You can hear me.
♪ Oh, you get up ♪
♪ You get down ♪ ♪ and you try it again ♪
♪ Up and down and around again ♪
♪ Oh, you get up, you get down
♪ ♪ and you try it again ♪
♪ Round for round ♪
♪ Oh, you get up, you get down
♪ ♪ and you try it again ♪
♪ Hit the ground ♪
♪ Oh, you get up, you get down
♪ ♪ and you try it again ♪
♪ Oh, you get up, you ♪ ♪ get down and you try it again ♪
♪ Oh, you get up, you get down
♪ ♪ and you try it again ♪
♪ Oh, you get up, you ♪ ♪ get down and you try it again. ♪
Guys, hi.
Hey. So, what do you think?
Cosplay. What can you say?
I knew you’d love it.
Stuart totally loves it, too, now.
You guys have fun.
Okay, great.
Don’t worry about us. We’re having a great time.
Don’t worry about us.
We’re having fun.
Uh-oh. Here we go.
Oh, hit it.
Classic Star Wars villain.
Looking on with Boba Fett.
We’re just observers.
We’re just here to observe.
It’s me!
What the shit? Shit.
Guys. Yeah.
What the hell are you doing here?
Cosby. It’s your first time at Cosby?
Excuse me?
It’s my new journey.
And I have you to thank.
You really pointed some things out.
I was being a jerk to people.
‘Cause I was hurting inside.
Well, it takes a big man to admit he’s wrong, Kevin.
Good for you.
Anyway, I’m going to dive back into the fun.
Ooh, check out this hot little number.
I don’t know if it’s a … Ewok or a space squirrel.
I can’t wait to rip into that.
How do you know who’s underneath the mask?
Look, I don’t know what’s underneath the hood, and I don’t give a shit.
I’m insatiable.
Now, if you excuse me, old Boba Fett’s going to give this squirrel a couple nuts to hide.
You know Boba Fett-he always fucked the space squirrel at the end of the movie.
Audience knew it was coming.
Audience wanted it.
Audience got it.
♪ Whoa, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
♪ She’s coming home to me ♪
♪ Because I said ♪
♪ You pull up ♪ ♪

in some guy’s car ♪

