Meet Ups
Arabic (Al-Jazeera)
New York Film Academy()
Vancouver Film School()
ABC Bartending()
1800 Bartend()
New York Bartending School ()
Manhattan Fencing()
The New School()
Spanish Only http://www.spanish-only.com/ 學習心得網站,站長用SRS(spaced repetition system)的方法來學西班牙文
Aprende Espanol http://blog.xuite.net/jerrychen1103/spanish
西班牙最有名的喜劇漫畫Mortadelo y Filemon
Spanish Podcast http://www.spanishpodcast.org/裡面有文章及聽力,不適合初學
File Guru有各種語言即時翻譯的軟體可以下載
Online Free Spanish(http://www.onlinefreespanish.com/
Spanish Town http://www.spanishtown.ca/
Spanish Games for Kids http://www.spanish-games.net/
French Spanish Online http://www.frenchspanishonline.com/beginnerspanish/freespanish.html
Dino Lingo http://dinolingo.com/languages/spanish.html
Spanish English Word Match http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/vocabulary-games/foreign-languages/spanish-english-word-match.html
Language Tree(http://www.language-tree.com/
Que hora es. Lagrimasy besos. 誇張爆笑劇
La vida esta por las nubes.
(life) (is) (like) (clouds)這樣知道了吧,就是生命於我如浮雲。
Free Internet TV Feeds from Various Countries
The Language Lab at the University of Minnesota has provided a list of URL's for a variety of live Internet feeds.
Open Course課程月報Meet Ups
Arabic (Al-Jazeera)
Chinese (CCTV-1)
Dutch (RTZ N-H, variety)
Finnish (Channel 4, variety)
German (NDR, variety)
Italian (RAI, news) (TVA Vincenza, variety)
Korean (KTV)
Norwegian (TV Haugaland, news)
Portuguese (Brazil, Programa de Jô)
Russian (Vesti, news)
New York Film Academy()
Vancouver Film School()
ABC Bartending()
1800 Bartend()
New York Bartending School ()
Manhattan Fencing()
The New School()
- bab.la dictionary (http://en.bab.la/dictionary/) offers translations in many different languages in standard speech, technical usage and colloquial use.
- Yamada Language Center Home Page (http://babel.uoregon.edu/) is an excellent site sponsored by the University of Oregon and contains very extensive resources, including language guides to 115 languages and fonts for 40 languages in their font archives.
- Voice Nation Live: Dictionaries (http://www.qualityansweringservice.com/content/ultimate-list-online-dictionaries) has a long list of on-line dictionaries.
- Voice Nation Live (http://www.qualityansweringservice.com/resources/foreign-language-resource-guide) offers a number of hints and Web sites for finding out about countries and languages.
- International business culture and etiquette (http://www.executiveplanet.com) gives you hints and tips on business dealing in foreign countries--a different spin on using language and culture when traveling.
- Duolingo (http://www.duolingo.com): Free game-based language learning app for iPhone, iPad and Android. Languages currently supported are Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.
Sites Directed at Teachers
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (http://www.actfl.org) is the national organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction.
- Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (http://mafla.org/teaching-ideas/teacher-resources/) gives a list of links that are of interest to foreign language teachers and those who are planning to be.
- The Instant Access Treasure Chest (http://www.fln.vcu.edu/ld/ld.html) has assembled a large number of links about teaching foreign languages to students with learning disabilities.
- Jim Becker's Home Page (http://www.uni.edu/becker/) collects a large variety of sources about several different languages. The page originates from UNI.
- FLTEACH (http://www.cortland.edu/flteach) is another resource directed at teachers and prospective teachers of foreign language and includes links to specific language resource collections. They also sponsor a listserv if you want to participate in an ongoing discussion of foreign language teaching topics.
- (https://clas.uiowa.edu/dwllc/allnet/resources/language-and-culture-resources)
- Voice Nation Live: Linguistics (http://www.qualityansweringservice.com/resources/linguistic-information-and-resources) offers Web sites about linguistics and about linguistics studies.
- American Sign Language Guide (http://www.qualityansweringservice.com/content/american-sign-language-guide) is a pictorial guide to ASL letters.
- ESL Resources for Students (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/678/01/) gives links to ESL sources around the world.
- The German Way (http://www.german-way.com/) is a fun collection about German, Swiss and Austrian sites about all sorts of things from cinema to books to pen pals and travel.
- Paperball Homepage (http://www.paperball.de/) is a German site offering a search function on topics in German newspapers and magazines.
- Learn German Easily (http://learn-German-easily.com) has lessons for learning German on your own on line. The site could be used for review as well.
- Voice Nation Live: Guide to Russian (http://www.qualityansweringservice.com/helpful-guide-russian-language) has a large number of links about Russian.
- French Culture (www.frenchculture.org) has information about French culture, French language and French in higher education
- The Consulate General of France in Chicago has information about the consulate, visas, French culture, and services for French nationals