GOP 共和黨的簡稱(Grand Old Party)
lash out 猛烈抨擊
She lashed out at Donald Trump’s attitude toward women.
tic tac 為義大利出產的一種糖果,有多種口味
stump n. 政治演說的講台或場合
On the stump Monday, she exchanged a few words with Democratic presidential nominee.
deride vt. 嘲弄
She derided his remarks in the video.
dig n. 挖苦,諷刺
He likes to take a dig at women.
blast v. 嚴厲批評,強烈譴責
She blasted him for being like an asshole.
denigrate vt. 詆毀,誹謗
She got sued for denigrating the company.
troop n. 軍隊
They sent troops to Iraq.
Iraqi n. 伊拉克人,伊拉克語
refer to 提到,談論
When I said some Taiwanese are stupid, I wasn’t referring to you.
commander in chief 三軍統帥
lewd adj. 淫蕩的,好色的
lewd remarks 下流話
hot-mic adj. (因麥克風未關而錄下且為)不當的(言論)